Friday, 31 December 2010

Goodbye 2010... you'll be missed!

Many people look forward to the new year,
For a new start on old habits - Unknown

Hello blog viewers, i'm sorry I haven't been very good with my posting lately but school and Christmas and countless other things have been keeping me rather preoccupied. However being the sad person I am I decided that New Years Eve was probably a good time to post (not to mention I have nothing else to do but shh that stays between me and you!)

So it's nearly here, in 11 hours the New Year will be upon us and we will all be vowing to ourselves to "not eat chocolate" and "have a boyfriend by the end of the year" silly little resolutions which most people fail at anyway. To be a New Year is about having another chance, when you write the date of the new year for the first time in a school book you realise that this is it, another day to accumulate to our life span another chance to get it right!

For many this may be their last year, they may never get to write "2012" in their notebooks or watch the fireworks in London on the Tv. One of these may possibly be the Queen, bookies have been betting that she won't last until 2012 and we will have a new head of state before the year is out. Personally I hope not, considering that if she dies we get a patriarchal society and I like that a woman is semi-in-control (she doesn't do much for the country in ways of making laws or anything but she is always there!)

I don't know about anyone else but every year I make a new resolution which I'm determined to stick to. For some of my beloved friends their resolutions are to stop drinking at parties (I don't drink so this doesn't effect me) another has said she wants a boyfriend by the end of the year (I have one so again, I can't choose that) more than a few have decided that they want to loose weight (I could do this, but then I don't really mind about my curvy figure)

So this leaves me with the personal dilemma of what I'm going to do! So I almost want to compile a list of 5 things to work towards since then I have a greater chance of making at least one of them!!

  • I'm going to stop eating bread - yes, it's a health related one to start me off but bread is so bad for you and I have a bit of an addiction so I eat way way more than I should.

  • I will post a blog at least once a month - I'm doing this because every so often I go on blog addicted writings and write loads and loads every week, then I have periods when I write nothing for ages. So i'm going to set a specific date and make sure I post on that day, then I know that no matter what I've at least done one (and it means you'll know when to look at my blog)

  • I'm going to know which Uni I want to go to - This is a huge problem for be because I know where I want to be in the end but I don't know how to get there. At the moment i'm thinking that Kingston sounds pretty amazing but I'm not sure yet and by the end of this year I will know for certain.

  • I'm going to take care of my appearance - A very girly one but one I need to work at none the less, recently I've started to go to school with my hair having been slept on the night before and no make up on (some people think this is a good thing but personally I'm not sure)

  • So the final one : I'm going to Audition for the National Youth Theatre : It's about time I actually started trying a little bit harder to reach my dream and this seems a pretty logical step to get there :D

So there are my new years resolutions, whether I'll make it I don't know, but I can at least try. Another thing it's important to think about at New Year is what we're proud of in the last year. For me the highlight has to be getting good GCSE grades and making it back into WOK. I know it's a funny thing to feel proud of but the amount of people throughout my life that told me I couldn't pass my 11+ wouldn't pass my year 8 sats.
However now i've proved that I can do well in an academic situation and no-one can take that away from me.

I've also grown as a person, from loosing a whole group of friends and finding new friends to stopping arguing with my parents. Whether anyone else would agree I don't know but I feel i've become a lot more at ease with myself and people around me. Even if I nearly threw up after presenting to my English Lit class on "The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" a few weeks ago!!!

So now it seems i've said too much, rambled for too long and obsessed over things that may not make sense to anyone other than me. I guess the long and the short of it is that no matter who you are or what has happened to you in the past year you should be proud of yourself, because you made it through and saw in another year.
If you're a bit of a pessimist and hate new year then just think of all the new life that's going to be born in the coming twelve months, the people you'll meet and the choices you'll make. It's just another stepping stone through your life and all the unknown should be seen as exciting not as a bad thing. New Years can be scary for many people, the uncertainty definitely scares me but you never know what will come of it, so don't panic and good luck!

Happy New Years my fellow humans (and aliens too) Have a wonderful 2011 and don't forget to check back here on the 25th of each month!!!

Love to you all!

ps. I want to set up an easier way to talk to my blog readers because this whole comments underneath doesn't really work so from now on if you want to make a comment, ask a question or just tell me how awful my blog is you can e-mail:

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Keeping Secrets

I have a secret
na na na na na naa

Hello blog viewers :D I'm in such a fantastic mood this evening! I've finished my essay and i'm listening to this really catchy acoustic cover by Olly Murs of one of his songs! It's so good!

Anyways don't you just love having a secret? Like when you've brought someone a present and they don't know? or when you know someone is about to ask your best friend out and they have no idea? Some secrets just make me feel so happy, like knowing something special and you don't have to tell anyone unless you want to?

Some secrets are bad though, like if your friend has something between their teeth and you don't tell them because you think it's funny if they go and talk to the guy/girl they like with food between their teeth!

I have a secret, and I'm not going to tell anyone because it's my secret and I don't have to tell anyone if I don't want to because it's such a nice secret to have and to keep :D

Love you blog readers!
Sorry, that was a little random!


Saturday, 13 November 2010

I write about rubbish.

Has anyone else noticed?
How cruel people can be?

Hello my readers, followers, friends and yes even my haters! I love the internet, I don't know many people who don't and most of the list of people i know that don't consist of 0ld people (no, I am not talking about my parents, they use it more than I do) I love being able to research anything really really quickly! Isn't it amazing how you can type in something like "Banana" and Google will come up with 46, 300, 000 results? I mean, fair enough the world loves banana's but really all we need is one wikipedia page and we'd be happy no?

Also music, I love the music on the internet! I'm not exactly rich when it comes to buying music, I very rarely buy new songs but with the wonderful use of youtube I can easily listen to the latest Justin Beiber (I kid, I kid) without having to pay for it! Yes, some clever idiots have managed to work out how to illegal download music from youtube but me, I don't bother with that because why down lode virus' when you can just listen to the music any time you want on youtube anyway?

The other of my favorite past times on the internet, and no i'm not afraid to admit this is to type my name into google! If you haven't tried it then I suggest you go right now because it's amazing what comes up! For example if I type in my first and last name it comes up with Kent Youth TV on several different channels like MetaCaffe and Youtube, it also come up with my Twitter account and an article about Dyslexia from the Daily Mail which I was interviewed for years ago ( This is what it said in case you were wondering: As Harriet, ten, who attends Brenchley and Matfield Church of England (Aided) Primary School in Kent, says: 'When I was in Year Four, I was really struggling, but my teacher had no idea.' No one knows how many people are affected by dyslexia. )

Then if I type in HarrietCorey it comes up with silly things like my old youtube account, complete with bad singing, blog's I follow and even this site! :D

So what is there to not love about the internet? Maybe this one site called Formspring? A popular place to be given abuse, made a fool of and just generally bullied. Yes, I talk from personal expireance as alot of rubbish happened on Formspring for me, but also for my friends and ex boyfriend. There are some people in this world that just like to make fun of people and make them feel as bad as possible. Sure, this is bad in any situation but to do it anonymously on some silly website that's meant to be there for good fun? Really do people have nothing better to do at all? geesh.

Anyways i'm going to bed because I feel slightly sleep deprived

P.s. Much Love

Monday, 8 November 2010

Body Image

I've never liked my body
So why do I only now find it a bad thing?

I love my friends, I really do, but sometimes I get really stressed out about how they think of me. Not as a person, as a person i'm fine with who I am. I can be a complete bitch but I also know I have my really good moments and i'll pull though as a friend. My body image however I really don't like. I went through a phase of liking everything about my body from my feet to my head but then recently i've become more and more conscious about the wobbly bits and lumpy bits, the spots on my back (which aren't bad but I do hate them) and the fatness of my thighs.

I can't help not liking my body image, actually i'm more than fine with it when it comes to wearing normal clothes but as soon as someone mentions swimming or something equally as revealing I worry. I only think of this now because i've been invited swimming but don't want to go especially with the girls going be so damn gorgeous and it sucks. Sure some people who read this are going to think "get over yourself you're just attention seeking" but honestly i'm not. If you haven't noticed my blog is very personal to me and I'll write honestly and truley about anything and everything on here.

I did try the whole exercise to make me loose weight thing but it didn't help because I just felt worse when I found it wasn't working. I don't eat loads of junk food nor do i disrespect my body by smoking or taking drugs or having sex. Sometimes i'll wear a skirt that's too short or a top that's too low cut in the hope that it will take attention away from my messy hair or my hips. I know it's silly of me readers, honest I do but sometimes I just feel so desperate and awful about it that I can't help but find ways to detract people's attention from my body.

There are so many that will say to you, it's not about body its about personality. But this isn't true! First appearances are everything in this world and if you mess them up then you're pretty much screwed, i've learnt that the hard way! It's very easy to say "oh don't worry you're gorgeous and everyone loves you" but very hard to believe it. This makes it sound as though I don't trust my friends not to judge me on my size and shape and i'd like to point out I do trust them to like me for my personality, honest.

This really isn't going anywhere so sorry guys but i'm going to stop complaining now, just remember though! We are responsible for our own bodies and we are the ones that have to put up with them. If you don't like your body then don't let someone bully you into liking it just because they can! Sure, they're probably trying to make you feel better about yourself but if it doesn't work then just nod and get on with it. That's what I do.

love you readers and friends!

ps. my blogs will make sense again soon honest.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

apologies and mysteries

Yes, I say it rarely but I say it truly
I'm sorry.

Yes, as the name suggests I have an apology to make, I don't often apologise for things said on my blog as many people have come to realise but sometimes it seems the decent and proper thing to do, also this time I mean it.

This apology is to someone who took my blog the wrong way, who felt insulted by the gossip and rumours I wrote about. Yes some of you may be thinking "why? it was all anonymous" but to most people it was obvious who the rumour was about. I neither confirmed nor denied this when asked so when last week I had a text from said person implying that I had made the rumours up I realised that actually guys take this stuff differently to girls and also I was told that it wasn't true.

Now I have no idea if this is the case or not as I don't know anyone that went to said person's old school but I had heard the rumour from several people.
Yes, i'm talking about the first rumour I wrote up in case you haven't guessed already.

I know it's not always right to report idle gossip but most people don't really care what other people think about them and if they know the rumours aren't true then they won't care. Well aparently it's not always the case and I'm sorry for any upset and confusion caused. It wasn't meant to be taken in that way and I have never seen it as being serious because everyone knows this person wouldn't go and do that!

The thing with rumours and gossip is that they aren't always true, and most of the time are only repeated because they're amusing to people and people understand that they aren't going to be true. Never once have I spread gossip that I didn't think was true, sure people being in relationships or liking someone is a different story but on the whole most of the stuff I say in unbelievable or I know will be taken as a laughing matter by those involved.

So I'm really sorry to anyone who was offended but I don't start the rumours I just tell the world, and never for a moment did I believe it was true.


(ps. I'll do a happier blog post later after i've done some art)

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Depressive Song.

I shot for the sky, I'm stuck on the ground.
So why do I try? I know I'm gonna fall down

Hello readers, I found a song today that I absolutely love. It's called Down by Jason Walker, I first found it as it was played during the break-up scene in Vampire Diaries and I have been searching for it since. Well yesterday I struck a gold mine and found it on youtube, after showing to meinen buddy Fred he send it to me in MP3 format (Thank you for that) and I have not stopped listening to it since, yes you may be thinking wowee that's good so why is this post called depressive song?

Well after having listened to it for so long i've realised how sad it really is, it's not about trying and sucseeding, it's all about someone giving up hope. I know it's crazy and I talk about this a lot on here but I have given up hope on various situations and listening to this song is the first time I have actually sat down and thought through everything and honestly? It's the first time i've cried for everything. The loosing my friends, the incident of two weeks ago monday and everything in-between.

Sure, if you think i'm being wierd or soppy or just depressive then you may as well stop reading because when i listened to this song i felt guilt and an intense pain and sadness (no, it isn't "that time of the month" so that has nothing to do with it!) This song for me is all about someone who's put themselves out there and who has taken a risk, thinking that everything was going to be okay. The next thing they know it's all gone horribly wrong and everything falls apart. Story of my life.

No, I'm not usually this depressive in my posts so this really is a one of but I just thought I should warn everyone who's feeling sad not to listen to this song because it really is awfully depressive but beautiful at the same time and the whole mixture of piano, guitar and vocals just work so brilliantly together in perfect harmony I don't think you could find another song quiet like this on.

Anyways Harri over and out
(Staying in bed all day is not an option, even if I wanted to)


Monday, 25 October 2010

halloween at home

Spooky stories, camp fire's, trick or treat
msn and homework

Halloween, a time for us to all dress up, have a laugh and be with our friends under a spooky moon at the dead of night. Not this year, last year I spend Halloween with my best friend's family, previous years i've spent it at a friends Halloween party (complete with pumpkin carving) this year? Home with the family watching Antiques Road-show.

One of my friends is having a party tomorrow, sure i'm invited. BUT I HAVE PLAY PRACTISE. That's right, I do love my acting and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world, but I also love my social life and three of my best friends that I haven't seen in months because of the government making catching a bus to school FAR TOO EXPENSIVE!

As you can probably tell I'm not very impressed. I look forward to this half term every year, it holds the promise of at least one party and several meetups with friends, yes i'm seeing my school friends but NO PARTIES.

I'm childish I know I know, but seriously! My friends are raving about this party with everyone and I CAN'T JOIN IN.

Yes, I know this isn't really an insightful post or anything that interesting but really, I just want to go out and have a good time tomorrow night! I even knew what I was going to go as! See the theme is your favorite film/tv program and I was going to do my hair all pretty and go as one of the girls from Gossip Girl so I could wear my new heels and my dress that I haven't worn in AGES.

So what if I have to pay to go to the party (It's not that much) and so what if it's going to be cold and probably (no offense Greg I do love you but...) it won't be as good as everyone is building it up to be because these things just never ever are! So what if I will know hardly anyone... SO WHO FRIGGIN CARES!

I do sound like a petulant child, and as a teen you would expect me to also mention how badly I want to get drunk, but i'm not that sort of teen. (Plus there won't be alcohol) so that doesn't count for anything just in-case anyone was wondering!

I just want to go and have a good time because it's not often I get invited to parties like this!

I must go now, not only will my internet run out in... 9 minuets but I have worked myself up into a state and I desperately feel the need to go and scream into a pillow. No. I. Am. Not. Joking.

(your ever faithful stay at home)

Sunday, 24 October 2010


700 Views... OHMYGOSH
I wonder if I'll have 1000 soon?

My viewers, readers, friends and lovers thank you so much! You have all made my day, something amazing would have to happen to top this! So I came on-line to talk about maybe feel good songs and quotes and stuff that makes me feel amazing on a bad day... but then I thought "I wonder how many views I've had in the last few weeks" because I may be vain but I don't check everyday and I honestly had to check three times because according to my little counter I'm up to 700 views... last time I checked I was on 521 so that's nearly 200 views in a week and a bit!

So thank you so much everyone who has read my blog and shown your friends and voted in the poll (If you haven't then please do because I find the results interesting) So even though I'm sat in my room listening to last weeks chart show writing an English essay about Willy Loman from "Death of a Salesman" I couldn't help but write a very quick message to you all saying thank you thank you thank you! You will never know how good this feels unless it happens to you and I know I thank my friends a lot by mentions but it's about time I thank people I don't know too!
So my lovelies this one is for you :D

p.s i will do a proper blog post in a bit once i've finished my essay!

Monday, 18 October 2010

admirations, musings and foolish thinkings.

thank you's, heartfelt musings and more.
I made the best mistake ever today.

Following up my last post, which I know was only yesterday, I did something I never thought i'd be able to do and plucked up the courage to tell the guy I like that I like him.
"Harri that was so brave" Is all I've heard from my friends since I did it and honestly? It doesn't feel that way, it feels great to have it off my chest but no matter how good it may feel it's always going to feel a little bit awful which is where a mother who understands my pain and gives me lots of chocolate comes in handy.

Of course, now i've done it I would recommend talking to a guy you like face to face over msn anyday (which I had thought about and was very close to doing) seriously. I think it hurts a lot less, previous msn disasters make me realise this, we always assume the worst of people when we want to tell them we like them. I thought I was going to be laughed at and mocked and ignored and feel completely useless and humiliated and regret it.

However some people don't seem to be as bad as all this. Instead I got a hug and a smile and more than that I felt respected, I wasn't laughed at or mocked (not yet at least) and this really has given me a little more inspiration when it comes to the humanity in this world and this kind of feeling you can't get over msn sure a guy that then goes *hugs* is good but it's nothing compared to the real thing, and I seriously admire you if you've had the guts to tell someone you like them to their face, equally I admire anyone who can sit there and smile and let someone down nicely after they've built up that courage, not many people I know can or ever will do that so just wanted to say thank you so much for that.

Moving back onto the topic (if only slightly) A famous teacher at my school (She has blonde and purple hair if ya know who I mean ;) ) Once told my english class that there is a thing called the human condition "we're born, we live, we die" everything else is a filler and doesn't really matter. Well sat here on my stairs I can't help but wonder if she is wrong. It's these moments and decisions in our lives that make them special, so what if I die tomorrow, or in thirty years time. It doesn't matter because now I won't be wondering "what if..." I won't be sat in my room thinking that maybe if i'd told him I would have had a chance... the only thing I can think now is... "What if he lied" and even i'm not stupid enough to think that, contrary to what some of my friends may believe!

So my readers, this doesn't really say much to you I guess. It's just a way of me trying to describe what is going through my mind at the moment and personally what I have said seems okay to me, even if it isn't as interesting as some of you may have hoped for! The long and the sort of it is that we only live once, our lives are short and there is nothing we can do to prolong it. Everything we do or don't do counts for something and why spend our existence worrying over how someone may view us? If it works out then brilliant! You can go to sleep at night feeling loved and comforted by the idea that someone out there is loving you and counting the minuets until they see you again. If it doesn't work out then don't worry, it hurts and I know that more than anything else right now but it's not the end and all you can do is remind yourself of that every time you feel low, don't listen to the sad songs and the hopelessly romantic songs. Listen to the songs that make you smile and laugh think of the times you've had and the times to come and know that eating chocolate and ice cream while crying over a sad film is not the end of the world, moan for a little while but slowly get back on your feet, smile and face the world again because nothing can make you feel better than knowing that though it all you kept your head held high and no matter how things turn out you know that you did what you had to do, you heard what you had to hear and life will seem so much better for it.

I'm sorry if that didn't make much sense... it took me a while to write that since I'm not 100% sure about what my head is thinking at the moment and following the heart is all I can do for the moment, and i'm glad I did because now I can sleep easy at night and get back to what is really important in my life! Friends, Family, Acting and of course School! :D

But there are a few people I want to thank more than anything in the world for just being there for me and also advancely thank you for all the hugs i'm going to demand off them tomorrow:
Emma, Millie, Rhiannon, Abby, James, Alex, Allya, Harriet and Jasmine

Love you all rather a lot
(There are loads more but those guys just deserve to be mentioned for now)

So as ever my blog readers, thank you for bearing with my rambling and much love from me on my staircase!


Sunday, 17 October 2010

(8) you belong with me (8)

"Ohmygosh. He wrote me a song!"
Great. Show off why don't you!

Hello my loverlies! I decided that I'd rather write this post sooner rather than later since otherwise I would forget all the wonderful songs I wanted to share with you! Some people choose an outright "I really like you will you go out with me?" method. Some people get their friends to do the dirty work and some people will secretly post notes into your locker.

Personally I'm too shy to do any of the above, so when sat around a table at a meal with four of my gorgus girls from Theatre Studies (You know who you are!) We were thinking of all the ways to tell someone that you liked them subtly without making a complete fool out of yourself!

Our solution: Music.

So I thought, I know, I will share this with my internet looker-ons and see what they think, So here we go with my top 10 songs to tell somone you like them (This is before the whole going out part, so i'm going to try to avoid songs with "love" in them. As no-one ever loves someone before they start going out.)

I love this song, for me it's all about a guy who see's a girl he really likes everyday and he knows he shouldn't be feeling this way about her. He's tried everything to move on from her but simply can't, "it was always there just never spoken" I found this a perfect song because it shows every emotion you could be feeling when you're waiting for the right time to tell someone you like them.

A very over-played song, but one that could explain everything about a situation, maybe you've heard the guy/girl you like has a crush on someone else and hounestly. I've been there, it sucks and everytime I think about it I can't help but think of this song and it makes me feel so much better. I'll tell you a funny (personal) story. I accidentally played this when I was listening to someone's music with them and when I showed my friend we burst into hysterics (In a very quiet room) and it got so bad I had to go outside and calm down. Oblivious the person I was sharing the headphones with had no idea what had happened and why me and my friend were laughing so much. oops.

3. Number Three: Enrique Iglesias' "hero"
I know, I know. Typical love song but who could possibly argue with the impossibly sexy voice of one of the worlds most gorgeous male specimens (Sorry guys, it's true! Look and sound like him and any girl would be yours) This song I'd rather advise guys to send to girls... Girls the guys may think you're a little weird sending them this since it is unfortunately a predominately female song.

One of my most amazingly talented and crazy friends Allya showed me this song and honestly? I think I fell in love with it! I'm not sure i'm in the correct position (Having only just heard the song) to judge the meaning behind it or in what situations you could use this, but one thing I know is the melody is beautiful and the lyrics hypnotic. (If a little repetitive)

This song is one of my oldest and favoritest love songs, it's all about someone falling in love for someone just because of who they are (If you notice in the lyrics she never once mentions appearance, making this a truly un-shallow song) I'm not sure why I like this song so much as the undercurrent suggests that she doesn't really want to like this guy (but lets just pretend the world doesn't look into songs as much as I do and just call it a lovely song no?)

LOOKIE! I'm half way through! Only 5 more songs to go until the final hurrah!

6. Number Six: Maroon 5's "Stutter"
I heard this song last week, and I already know all the words I love it that much. I would recommend this one if you wanted something that's not quiet so serious and a little bit more upbeat than my other choices. This one was particularly good for me because I keep forgetting how to speak when I talk to the guy I like (and me not speaking is a very big deal) The only thing I would say about this one is it's not as serious as the others so be warned they may not understand it as well!

This goes against what I was saying a little by being very heavily focused on the word "Love" and is more about the future but it's defiantly one of those feel good songs! Again this is one i'd probably only expect guys to send to girls (Since it's another of those really soppy ones with lots of cute images of kids aka. "I would fall deeper watching you give life" somehow not the kind of thing I'd send to a sixteen year old!) Still wait until you get to twenty and a guy gets up on a karaoke night and sings this, then you will understand why this is on my list!

8. Number Eight: Glee's "taking chances"
(Originally by Celine Dion so you could use her version but her voice annoys me)
This I think is particularly good for when you meet someone and instantly take a liking to them, it explores how you can still like someone even if you don't actually know that much about them! It also shows that actually, things may not last and may not work out but you won't know until you try. Best bit about this song? It isn't too forward and it isn't too soppy! Also it's not hard to sing so you could always try your own cover to show the lucky lad/lady.

Another suggestion from Allya (she's quiet good with the soppy love songs) As soon as she said it I agreed, although this again is one i'd probably only use if I was going out with someone, but then that's just me. It reminds me again of the whole "life only happens once, you aren't going to get a second chance so just go with it and live each day like it's your last" (That is a paraphrased quote from the beautiful Emma, who's also extremely good when it comes to liking guys and not knowing what to do, not that I've listened to her advice)

Now for a big BIG drum-roll for my final (and personal favourite song)

There is no doubt that this is my ultimate favourite "tell him you love him song" and there are several reasons why: One: She's in exactly the same position as me, so badly wanting to say something but having no idea what or how to say it. Two: The music and the lyrics are simply beautiful. Three: Oh the paranoia. The whole idea of it being so obvious to everyone but the person you like that you like them it almost drives you crazy and this song shows that.

So there you have it my friends and followers and enemies!
My top ten list of songs to tell someone you like that you like them!

I'd like to point out i'd be extremely great-full if you told me what you think of those so leave a comment if you wish, or even if you don't wish and tell me what you think, also any other suggestions would be cool!

Mucho love from the land of behind the sofa (Yes, it's freezing at the moment so i'm sat behind the sofa with my back against a radiator writing and sourcing this!)


Saturday, 16 October 2010

Did you miss me?

Absence makes the heart grow fonder
I wish.

Hello all my wonderful readers, I know, it's been far too long and i'm awfully sorry about that. I'm not sure what came over me but I had no inspiration and admittedly no time! So my poor blog suffered from this, but hey! it's October now and life goes on!

I have two things to natter about today, the first being sixth form and the other a very interesting conversation I had with some friends over a meal about the best songs to tell someone you like them (I know, how sad but really it was quiet interesting)

So before we go onto the songs... THERE ARE BOYS IN MY SCHOOL AND IT ISN'T RIGHT. Of course, i'm not complaining the ones i've spoken to are very nice indeed but I can't seem to get my head around the fact that when we are in English class now the guys get picked to read Macbeth... who until this year had a very high pitched girly voice. (Simply because all we had were girls so inevitably a girl would read the part) So now every time we start to read I flinch a little bit at the sound of a deep voiced Macbeth ( it's just not right I tell you!)

Also with the ratio of boys to girls being 40/30 to the girls it's no wonder that the school yard gossip has turned into who is going out with who and who likes who and why so-and-so won't talk to that guy and what do the guys think of our hair... blah blah blah. Unfortunately there have been rumours spread that just are not true! (and you know how good I am about changing names so anyone new who's reading this don't you worry! I'm not about to disclose who you are seemingly "in love with")

  • One guy in our sixth form has told all his friends outside of school that pretty much every girl in our year likes him and is queuing up to get off with him (This isn't true)

  • One of the girls is being named a "flirt" and J-Lo (she's a good friend she wont mind me saying who she is pretty much) why J-Lo? Well according to the guys she has a big ass. How mature?

  • There are so far... three couples? At least that's as many as I know about and at least two "going-to-be-couples"

  • Miss V. (Head of our year) has found out about one of these couples and is persisting to tease them much to the enjoyment of the rest of the year

  • One certain boy in our year has (and this was counted last Tuesday so it may be more or less by now) 8 girls who like him, who he likes? No-one knows.

  • Also acourding to the gossip I like two guys :D Neither of these are actually true! Sure, I do like someone but neither of the guys i'm rumoured to like (how strange!)

So there you have it my friends and stalkers!
School ground gossip gone mad!
I wonder if any of you know who i'm talking about in those little snippets!
Anyways I shall write a separate entry on the music because it needs more than a few lines

Mucho Love

Monday, 26 July 2010

The Super Massive Black Hole.

Has anybody seen the [Insert Object Here]
Five years later and the object is still missing

Now my veiwers I am almost certain all of you will have lost something at some point in your life, no matter how old you are be it 3 months or 98 years old.
When I was little I remember loosing one of my favorite beenie babies, sure I was young and in hindesight i'd probrably left it at a friends house but at the time I was certain I had left him under my bed! (Stupid place to leave something you love, I know, but I was having a bit of a moment like Andy does in Toy Story when he leaves Woody underneath the bed for like a whole ten minuets!!)

My point is, this Beenie Baby never ever turned up, so this got me thinking where it had gone and instantly I decided there was something going around and stealing my toys. Then later on when I started to watch Dr. Who I realised that this "being" that was stealing my stuff was probably a big black hole and once the stuff got sucked into the Big Black Hole you wouldn't get your stuff back. It was G.O.N.E aka MIA put it any way you like it just wasn't there any more!

The reason I bring this up today is because my dad had a wine glass last night, he went to bed and this evening when he went to go get his 8 o'clock glass of wine the glass had completely diserpierd. We looked in the dishwasher, the cupboards, the sink, under the sofa, his room everywhere but the glass just simply wasn't there! It wasn't in the bin either! So we were completlty at a loss because it just cannot be anywhere in the house!
Which is why this led me to start thinking about the Big Black Hole and wondering if it could actually be possible

Now I know sometimes things just hide for fun, the endless hours of amusement we get from looking for a watch or a phone we "swear was left by the bed" It's better than TV sometimes! Especially in my household! Like this morning (please note we do lose things A LOT) my brother is having a party tomorrow and my mum needs to call all his friends (yes he is in year nine but we don't trust that he's actually invited anyone!) So anyway we've just cleaned the whole of the downstairs and every single drawer looking for this sheet! ALSO my mum decided that she would edit the bin, by edit I mean switch it with the dog food bin!

If i'm being honest with you she is still looking! we started this at... 10 this morning, now it's nearly 2 and they still haven't found the piece of paper... EUGH.

So i'm not sure what to believe about this black hole.
Maybe i'm just stupid.
Maybe it exists.

sorry, i shall go now.
love to you all!
ps. listen to Selena Gomez's "round and round" I love that song right now!

Feeling Fat.

I like being curvy.
But I also don't like feeling being "Technically fat".

My mother has always said I'm a curious being and so when I get bored I often end up doing things I wouldn't usually do... So today I decided I wanted to look up my BMI (Body Mass Index) A stupid thing for me to do really because personally I've always thought I'm not over weight nor defiantly not underweight. So when I happily weighed myself this morning (In all fairness I've only gained about half a stone since last year) and then I guessed I'm about 5ft which is fair enough I've never denied that I'm short.

So when I put all this into the on-line BMI calculator I wasn't sure what to expect, however when it decided to tell me that as a matter of fact i'm 0.5 over weight. xD

So now I've set myself a little task, again how very James Bond of me! Just to assure you I'm not going to stop eating or skip breakfast (I could never do that I like food too much!) However I am going to try to loose 3 pounds every week for the next seven weeks so that by the 31st of August i'm going to have lost exactly a stone and a half to get my weight back down to a more comfortable 8 stone. (Yes to save you the maths I'll let you know I'm 9 stone 5 at the moment so it's not that bad!)

So now I've come up with a little plan... see I have the Davina work out DVD that has two and a half hours worth of exercise on it. My plan? An hour in the morning and an hour in the evening before dinner (or after, depends on what time I eat) Also even if my mother does go buy crisps and sweets I won't be eating any of that except for a small slice of Honey Cake because surprisingly that's actually good for you!

Now I know allot of people are going to think i'm bidding for attention by blogging about this, but honestly I'm not trust me, if I wanted attention I could get it without having to rave about my weight. I'm only blogging about this because I thought it would be quiet interesting to do a weekly "Weight Update" to see if I can actually loose this weight, and I promise you as a dedicated blogger that not in a single one of my "Weight Blogs" will I lie to you! I may not tell the truth all the time about how I feel emotionally but when it comes to my weight I'm always straight forward and honest because everyone has a weight and I know I'm a lot smaller than the worlds fattest woman so i'm in no danger of becoming like that any time soon.

So if you don't like me now just because I weigh more than I should that is your problem and I'm not particularity fussed about it. I'd just prefer to be that little bit less so I can be even more happy (Also I like a bit of a challenge and what is a better challenge other than weight loss?!)

Well i'm off to go start my Davina Fit DVD (It really is good fun by the way)
Love to all my readers

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Just a small explanation!

You realise you're on MSN constantly?
Yes! I have a very good reason too!

Obviously those of you who are on my MSN/Facebook know that most of the time I will be signed in or on-line on these sites. I do understand that this then looks like I'm just waiting around for someone to talk to me, which is only partly true!

As a matter of fact I'm actually probably blogging or listening to music whilst doing some graphics on Photoshop! See I haven't explained this to a lot of my new friends/followers and I realised I might look a bit strange but I wanted to assure everyone that i do have a life outside of cyberspace it's just that I like my computer and my music so that is logged on automatically as is MSN and Facebook and now Tumblr too!

I will prove all of what I've just said to you one day just not now because i'm working on a project (Yes I know! How James Bond of me!)

Love you readers!

Awkward Conversations!

"Hey how are you? :)"
"hi, ok you?" <- Opps what have I done now?

I don't know if it is just me readers but every so often (By this I mean everyday) I have msn conversations with people who I'm pretty certain really do not want to talk to me! Shocking I know! But still it confuses me every time because I try to talk to them normally and yet still they just reply so simply and uninterestingly that I can't help but wonder if they want to talk to me at all!
An example for you;

Me: Hey!

Him: hi

Me: How are you?! :)

Him: ok u?

Me: Yeah i'm good too thanks! You been up to much recently?

Him: Not really u?

Me: Well I was at a friends yesterday then went shopping the day before and other than that I went to the cinema with the family :)

Him: cool.

Why? why! why?! does this always happen to me? I mean, in my "example" I wrote Him because honestly, it usually is a guy that does that to me, if a girl doesn't want to talk they just won't reply but hey ho. On the other hand this may just be my over possessive mind yes, that wonderful distorted world I live in when asleep or day dreaming.

I think it could just be that I'm paranoid that every guy in the world hates me, but this could also be a reality do you not agree?!

I would also like to just quickly ponder over why it is that I am always the one saying Hi to people on msn? Is it just because people don't want to talk to me or am i just so super quick with my ninja fairy skills that they don't stand a chance when it comes to saying hey to me?
Maybe that is the problem me and my ninja skills. However why then is it that some people I leave to see if they will say hey to me and they just don't say hey it really really upsets me more than you could know blog readers! So if you are on my msn and never say hey then please, it's only one click and three letters away! It will probably make my day as well! Especially if you are a really good looking guy ;) although i've worked out I only have like... 8 good looking guys on my contact list out of 67 contacts! Most of whom are girls so don't worry guys you may be one of the good looking ones!

Well blog viewers I'm going to jump over to my other obsessive site now:
so I bid you good bye!


Saturday, 24 July 2010

Serial Dating and On-line Love

Oh my readers and followers, how can this be?
We are in a crazy world and messed up society

"hey sexi wana add on msn plz" - One of the many messages I have received from some desperate soul on "" yes. That is right I have done a stint on one of those silly "Internet Search Site" for teenagers.
On-line love has become a very big part of society today! To show you just how big it has become I typed into my google browser "On-line Dating" and guess what! I got a rather nice amount of results
69,100,000 To be precise!
For someone who has always believed in love and romance i had never tried out a dating site, so when my friend Jennie came to me saying she'd met this great guy on I had to check it out! I mean wouldn't you?
So I created my little profile trying to be as modest and interesting as possible, so I uploaded some photos, which I think would class as classy and some of them could even be considered mildly pretty (God forbid) After that I just left my account, only adding my close friend who use it!
Ten minuets later and I had a message and a friend invite from a guy called Damarie (Personally i thought that was a brand of sugar but apparently not) of course I was flattered by the proposition;
"hi nice i look you so sexy and wonderful in your pic i like you im single and you single And i want to set up a relationship with you so i wiat your msn or yahoo ok xxx"
Unfortunately for him I really wasn't looking for a relationship so I had to kindly tell him I was "Very flattered but actually someone else had swept me off my feet just an hour ago" Of course that was rubbish but I couldn't think of much else to say!
Thinking back at all these messages I have received I couldn't really pick out anything special because romance over the internet makes no sense to me! Why would anyone want to flirt with a guy who lives in Poland or Greece when all that will happen is you will fall in love with them and when you realise you won't ever meet them in person you freak.
What I don't understand is why people have to rely on the internet to find them someone to love! No-one knows what you like in a guy/girl so how on earth would a computer database. I'm sorry all the clever science people of the world but just because two people look perfect on paper doesn't mean they will work in reality!
Well my lovers and readers if I carry on with this I may go on for ages!
So that's my little snippet of On-line Dating experience but next time I don't think I will bother!

Sunday, 11 July 2010

My school had made this compulsory :o

I've been blogging for AGES!
Media Studies now means everyone hast to!

So we got our summer work a few weeks back, it's simple stuff really lots of hard graft for Art, Theatre Studies, English Lit and English Lang but when I took a look at my friend's Media Studies summer work one particular thing caught my eye... "You should consider writing and following a blog" WHAT? my little weirdness place is being invaded by media studies peoples! :o

Now I would like to say that actually I think I quiet like all the people doing Media Studies so it really is nothing personal (I've had to include this now in anything I do in-case I insult someone like I did in my Vlog)

So anyways now a lot of my friends are on here blogging, I'm not sure what about... yet! So I'm going to have to go do some snooping around and see what everyone finds to talk about because you know, I like a bit of competition! However I will make sure to view them in a totally non-biast manner and give them positive feedback, unless it really is horrible then I may have to un-subscribe, not that i'm subscribed to any of them yet! :O

Well I have to go and get dressed and shower and eat and everything so I had better go!
Final words today, I hope all the newbies on this thing have fun and make more sense in their blogs than I do :)

Much love