Many people look forward to the new year,
For a new start on old habits - Unknown
Hello blog viewers, i'm sorry I haven't been very good with my posting lately but school and Christmas and countless other things have been keeping me rather preoccupied. However being the sad person I am I decided that New Years Eve was probably a good time to post (not to mention I have nothing else to do but shh that stays between me and you!)
So it's nearly here, in 11 hours the New Year will be upon us and we will all be vowing to ourselves to "not eat chocolate" and "have a boyfriend by the end of the year" silly little resolutions which most people fail at anyway. To be a New Year is about having another chance, when you write the date of the new year for the first time in a school book you realise that this is it, another day to accumulate to our life span another chance to get it right!
For many this may be their last year, they may never get to write "2012" in their notebooks or watch the fireworks in London on the Tv. One of these may possibly be the Queen, bookies have been betting that she won't last until 2012 and we will have a new head of state before the year is out. Personally I hope not, considering that if she dies we get a patriarchal society and I like that a woman is semi-in-control (she doesn't do much for the country in ways of making laws or anything but she is always there!)
I don't know about anyone else but every year I make a new resolution which I'm determined to stick to. For some of my beloved friends their resolutions are to stop drinking at parties (I don't drink so this doesn't effect me) another has said she wants a boyfriend by the end of the year (I have one so again, I can't choose that) more than a few have decided that they want to loose weight (I could do this, but then I don't really mind about my curvy figure)
So this leaves me with the personal dilemma of what I'm going to do! So I almost want to compile a list of 5 things to work towards since then I have a greater chance of making at least one of them!!
- I'm going to stop eating bread - yes, it's a health related one to start me off but bread is so bad for you and I have a bit of an addiction so I eat way way more than I should.
- I will post a blog at least once a month - I'm doing this because every so often I go on blog addicted writings and write loads and loads every week, then I have periods when I write nothing for ages. So i'm going to set a specific date and make sure I post on that day, then I know that no matter what I've at least done one (and it means you'll know when to look at my blog)
- I'm going to know which Uni I want to go to - This is a huge problem for be because I know where I want to be in the end but I don't know how to get there. At the moment i'm thinking that Kingston sounds pretty amazing but I'm not sure yet and by the end of this year I will know for certain.
- I'm going to take care of my appearance - A very girly one but one I need to work at none the less, recently I've started to go to school with my hair having been slept on the night before and no make up on (some people think this is a good thing but personally I'm not sure)
- So the final one : I'm going to Audition for the National Youth Theatre : It's about time I actually started trying a little bit harder to reach my dream and this seems a pretty logical step to get there :D
So there are my new years resolutions, whether I'll make it I don't know, but I can at least try. Another thing it's important to think about at New Year is what we're proud of in the last year. For me the highlight has to be getting good GCSE grades and making it back into WOK. I know it's a funny thing to feel proud of but the amount of people throughout my life that told me I couldn't pass my 11+ wouldn't pass my year 8 sats.
However now i've proved that I can do well in an academic situation and no-one can take that away from me.
I've also grown as a person, from loosing a whole group of friends and finding new friends to stopping arguing with my parents. Whether anyone else would agree I don't know but I feel i've become a lot more at ease with myself and people around me. Even if I nearly threw up after presenting to my English Lit class on "The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" a few weeks ago!!!
So now it seems i've said too much, rambled for too long and obsessed over things that may not make sense to anyone other than me. I guess the long and the short of it is that no matter who you are or what has happened to you in the past year you should be proud of yourself, because you made it through and saw in another year.
If you're a bit of a pessimist and hate new year then just think of all the new life that's going to be born in the coming twelve months, the people you'll meet and the choices you'll make. It's just another stepping stone through your life and all the unknown should be seen as exciting not as a bad thing. New Years can be scary for many people, the uncertainty definitely scares me but you never know what will come of it, so don't panic and good luck!
Happy New Years my fellow humans (and aliens too) Have a wonderful 2011 and don't forget to check back here on the 25th of each month!!!
Love to you all!
ps. I want to set up an easier way to talk to my blog readers because this whole comments underneath doesn't really work so from now on if you want to make a comment, ask a question or just tell me how awful my blog is you can e-mail:
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