"Hey how are you? :)"
"hi, ok you?" <- Opps what have I done now?
I don't know if it is just me readers but every so often (By this I mean everyday) I have msn conversations with people who I'm pretty certain really do not want to talk to me! Shocking I know! But still it confuses me every time because I try to talk to them normally and yet still they just reply so simply and uninterestingly that I can't help but wonder if they want to talk to me at all!
An example for you;
Me: Hey!
Him: hi
Me: How are you?! :)
Him: ok u?
Me: Yeah i'm good too thanks! You been up to much recently?
Him: Not really u?
Me: Well I was at a friends yesterday then went shopping the day before and other than that I went to the cinema with the family :)
Him: cool.
Why? why! why?! does this always happen to me? I mean, in my "example" I wrote Him because honestly, it usually is a guy that does that to me, if a girl doesn't want to talk they just won't reply but hey ho. On the other hand this may just be my over possessive mind yes, that wonderful distorted world I live in when asleep or day dreaming.
I think it could just be that I'm paranoid that every guy in the world hates me, but this could also be a reality do you not agree?!
I would also like to just quickly ponder over why it is that I am always the one saying Hi to people on msn? Is it just because people don't want to talk to me or am i just so super quick with my ninja fairy skills that they don't stand a chance when it comes to saying hey to me?
Maybe that is the problem me and my ninja skills. However why then is it that some people I leave to see if they will say hey to me and they just don't say hey it really really upsets me more than you could know blog readers! So if you are on my msn and never say hey then please, it's only one click and three letters away! It will probably make my day as well! Especially if you are a really good looking guy ;) although i've worked out I only have like... 8 good looking guys on my contact list out of 67 contacts! Most of whom are girls so don't worry guys you may be one of the good looking ones!
Well blog viewers I'm going to jump over to my other obsessive site now:
so I bid you good bye!
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