Saturday, 24 July 2010

Serial Dating and On-line Love

Oh my readers and followers, how can this be?
We are in a crazy world and messed up society

"hey sexi wana add on msn plz" - One of the many messages I have received from some desperate soul on "" yes. That is right I have done a stint on one of those silly "Internet Search Site" for teenagers.
On-line love has become a very big part of society today! To show you just how big it has become I typed into my google browser "On-line Dating" and guess what! I got a rather nice amount of results
69,100,000 To be precise!
For someone who has always believed in love and romance i had never tried out a dating site, so when my friend Jennie came to me saying she'd met this great guy on I had to check it out! I mean wouldn't you?
So I created my little profile trying to be as modest and interesting as possible, so I uploaded some photos, which I think would class as classy and some of them could even be considered mildly pretty (God forbid) After that I just left my account, only adding my close friend who use it!
Ten minuets later and I had a message and a friend invite from a guy called Damarie (Personally i thought that was a brand of sugar but apparently not) of course I was flattered by the proposition;
"hi nice i look you so sexy and wonderful in your pic i like you im single and you single And i want to set up a relationship with you so i wiat your msn or yahoo ok xxx"
Unfortunately for him I really wasn't looking for a relationship so I had to kindly tell him I was "Very flattered but actually someone else had swept me off my feet just an hour ago" Of course that was rubbish but I couldn't think of much else to say!
Thinking back at all these messages I have received I couldn't really pick out anything special because romance over the internet makes no sense to me! Why would anyone want to flirt with a guy who lives in Poland or Greece when all that will happen is you will fall in love with them and when you realise you won't ever meet them in person you freak.
What I don't understand is why people have to rely on the internet to find them someone to love! No-one knows what you like in a guy/girl so how on earth would a computer database. I'm sorry all the clever science people of the world but just because two people look perfect on paper doesn't mean they will work in reality!
Well my lovers and readers if I carry on with this I may go on for ages!
So that's my little snippet of On-line Dating experience but next time I don't think I will bother!

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