I like being curvy.
But I also don't like feeling being "Technically fat".
My mother has always said I'm a curious being and so when I get bored I often end up doing things I wouldn't usually do... So today I decided I wanted to look up my BMI (Body Mass Index) A stupid thing for me to do really because personally I've always thought I'm not over weight nor defiantly not underweight. So when I happily weighed myself this morning (In all fairness I've only gained about half a stone since last year) and then I guessed I'm about 5ft which is fair enough I've never denied that I'm short.
So when I put all this into the on-line BMI calculator I wasn't sure what to expect, however when it decided to tell me that as a matter of fact i'm 0.5 over weight. xD
So now I've set myself a little task, again how very James Bond of me! Just to assure you I'm not going to stop eating or skip breakfast (I could never do that I like food too much!) However I am going to try to loose 3 pounds every week for the next seven weeks so that by the 31st of August i'm going to have lost exactly a stone and a half to get my weight back down to a more comfortable 8 stone. (Yes to save you the maths I'll let you know I'm 9 stone 5 at the moment so it's not that bad!)
So now I've come up with a little plan... see I have the Davina work out DVD that has two and a half hours worth of exercise on it. My plan? An hour in the morning and an hour in the evening before dinner (or after, depends on what time I eat) Also even if my mother does go buy crisps and sweets I won't be eating any of that except for a small slice of Honey Cake because surprisingly that's actually good for you!
Now I know allot of people are going to think i'm bidding for attention by blogging about this, but honestly I'm not trust me, if I wanted attention I could get it without having to rave about my weight. I'm only blogging about this because I thought it would be quiet interesting to do a weekly "Weight Update" to see if I can actually loose this weight, and I promise you as a dedicated blogger that not in a single one of my "Weight Blogs" will I lie to you! I may not tell the truth all the time about how I feel emotionally but when it comes to my weight I'm always straight forward and honest because everyone has a weight and I know I'm a lot smaller than the worlds fattest woman so i'm in no danger of becoming like that any time soon.
So if you don't like me now just because I weigh more than I should that is your problem and I'm not particularity fussed about it. I'd just prefer to be that little bit less so I can be even more happy (Also I like a bit of a challenge and what is a better challenge other than weight loss?!)
Well i'm off to go start my Davina Fit DVD (It really is good fun by the way)
Love to all my readers
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