Me and fish do not mix very well.
It has taken three "incidences" to prove this.
So it has taken me years to find out that fish really just do not like me! Fish have always freaked me out a little bit with their scaly skin and their big googly eyes that don't have much emotion unless they are trapped on land and are slowly suffocating to death... Anyway to cut a long emotional story about how icky fish are short i've suddenly found out that fish just don't like me either!!
Incident One: This was a little while ago (by this i really mean seven years ago, but who's counting?) I had some pet fish, now i'm sure you will understand that I don't remember their names since it was 7 whole years ago! I may remember lots of things but the names of my pet fish just were not relivent, however i do know that my particular fish was a Lion Fish (Yes I know, i remember the stupidest things) So back to the story!
I was at school one day, only a few weeks after having had my fish and they ended up dead. I know shocking so as you don't usually do I didn't want to errm "Flush" my beloved fish so we buried them in my back garden! Now what my parents don't know is that a few years ago I had a nightmare about these fish dying with their eyes popping and everything so when they were out I went and dug up the dead bodies, of course i'm a little squimish so i paniced and threw the spade full of soil over into my next door neighbors side of the fence and filled in the hole. I had nightmares for ages but everytime they kept popping their eyes at me. In the end they gave up.
So that was one incident that has lead me to believe fish do not like me!!
Now onto another story once again about death only this time i was eating garlic prawns my mother had made. So as I keep saying I hate fishes eyes and so when it comes to de-heading and tailing my garlic prawns i get my mother or father to do it for me since they have no problem with it at all! However this one time I was made to do one myself and so whilst de-heading the prawn it managed to jump out of my hand (Just the head not the whole body) and into my glass of juice. Now i'm not afraid to say I went into a bit of a hysteria at this prawn that had just jumped into my juice and hence haven't drunk tropical juice or eaten whole prawns ever again. This just kind of proved to me that actually even in death all fish want to escape me!!!
The last story is that of a fridge, some sole and my mother.
My mother saw I was by the fridge and asked me to put the sole away, only as I closed the fridge door to go over and get the packet of dead fish from her, she decided it was a good idea to throw the sole at me. Consequently it landed at my feet, now this piece of fish was not intact! (As in it had no eyes, or skin or tail) However all I thought of was the beady little eyes staring up at me and well popping and so in a rather un-flattering fashion i fell over backwards. The fish is still in the freezer as I cannot bring myself to touch it therefore my mother has refrained from touching it!!
So as i'm sure you can see, my aversion to fish has a very good feeling and I can now admit that I have wished most of my friends fishes dead at one point or another (Sorry friends but they just don't like me ask them yourselves!)
What a random waste of blog space that was :o Ah dear, I may have truly and finally lost all my normality now! This really had no point but you know. Now i also have a serious blog to post so I shall stop with the silly fish stories (all of which are true) and go back to writing that!!
Love to all
Harriet Corey
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