Monday, 26 July 2010

The Super Massive Black Hole.

Has anybody seen the [Insert Object Here]
Five years later and the object is still missing

Now my veiwers I am almost certain all of you will have lost something at some point in your life, no matter how old you are be it 3 months or 98 years old.
When I was little I remember loosing one of my favorite beenie babies, sure I was young and in hindesight i'd probrably left it at a friends house but at the time I was certain I had left him under my bed! (Stupid place to leave something you love, I know, but I was having a bit of a moment like Andy does in Toy Story when he leaves Woody underneath the bed for like a whole ten minuets!!)

My point is, this Beenie Baby never ever turned up, so this got me thinking where it had gone and instantly I decided there was something going around and stealing my toys. Then later on when I started to watch Dr. Who I realised that this "being" that was stealing my stuff was probably a big black hole and once the stuff got sucked into the Big Black Hole you wouldn't get your stuff back. It was G.O.N.E aka MIA put it any way you like it just wasn't there any more!

The reason I bring this up today is because my dad had a wine glass last night, he went to bed and this evening when he went to go get his 8 o'clock glass of wine the glass had completely diserpierd. We looked in the dishwasher, the cupboards, the sink, under the sofa, his room everywhere but the glass just simply wasn't there! It wasn't in the bin either! So we were completlty at a loss because it just cannot be anywhere in the house!
Which is why this led me to start thinking about the Big Black Hole and wondering if it could actually be possible

Now I know sometimes things just hide for fun, the endless hours of amusement we get from looking for a watch or a phone we "swear was left by the bed" It's better than TV sometimes! Especially in my household! Like this morning (please note we do lose things A LOT) my brother is having a party tomorrow and my mum needs to call all his friends (yes he is in year nine but we don't trust that he's actually invited anyone!) So anyway we've just cleaned the whole of the downstairs and every single drawer looking for this sheet! ALSO my mum decided that she would edit the bin, by edit I mean switch it with the dog food bin!

If i'm being honest with you she is still looking! we started this at... 10 this morning, now it's nearly 2 and they still haven't found the piece of paper... EUGH.

So i'm not sure what to believe about this black hole.
Maybe i'm just stupid.
Maybe it exists.

sorry, i shall go now.
love to you all!
ps. listen to Selena Gomez's "round and round" I love that song right now!

Feeling Fat.

I like being curvy.
But I also don't like feeling being "Technically fat".

My mother has always said I'm a curious being and so when I get bored I often end up doing things I wouldn't usually do... So today I decided I wanted to look up my BMI (Body Mass Index) A stupid thing for me to do really because personally I've always thought I'm not over weight nor defiantly not underweight. So when I happily weighed myself this morning (In all fairness I've only gained about half a stone since last year) and then I guessed I'm about 5ft which is fair enough I've never denied that I'm short.

So when I put all this into the on-line BMI calculator I wasn't sure what to expect, however when it decided to tell me that as a matter of fact i'm 0.5 over weight. xD

So now I've set myself a little task, again how very James Bond of me! Just to assure you I'm not going to stop eating or skip breakfast (I could never do that I like food too much!) However I am going to try to loose 3 pounds every week for the next seven weeks so that by the 31st of August i'm going to have lost exactly a stone and a half to get my weight back down to a more comfortable 8 stone. (Yes to save you the maths I'll let you know I'm 9 stone 5 at the moment so it's not that bad!)

So now I've come up with a little plan... see I have the Davina work out DVD that has two and a half hours worth of exercise on it. My plan? An hour in the morning and an hour in the evening before dinner (or after, depends on what time I eat) Also even if my mother does go buy crisps and sweets I won't be eating any of that except for a small slice of Honey Cake because surprisingly that's actually good for you!

Now I know allot of people are going to think i'm bidding for attention by blogging about this, but honestly I'm not trust me, if I wanted attention I could get it without having to rave about my weight. I'm only blogging about this because I thought it would be quiet interesting to do a weekly "Weight Update" to see if I can actually loose this weight, and I promise you as a dedicated blogger that not in a single one of my "Weight Blogs" will I lie to you! I may not tell the truth all the time about how I feel emotionally but when it comes to my weight I'm always straight forward and honest because everyone has a weight and I know I'm a lot smaller than the worlds fattest woman so i'm in no danger of becoming like that any time soon.

So if you don't like me now just because I weigh more than I should that is your problem and I'm not particularity fussed about it. I'd just prefer to be that little bit less so I can be even more happy (Also I like a bit of a challenge and what is a better challenge other than weight loss?!)

Well i'm off to go start my Davina Fit DVD (It really is good fun by the way)
Love to all my readers

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Just a small explanation!

You realise you're on MSN constantly?
Yes! I have a very good reason too!

Obviously those of you who are on my MSN/Facebook know that most of the time I will be signed in or on-line on these sites. I do understand that this then looks like I'm just waiting around for someone to talk to me, which is only partly true!

As a matter of fact I'm actually probably blogging or listening to music whilst doing some graphics on Photoshop! See I haven't explained this to a lot of my new friends/followers and I realised I might look a bit strange but I wanted to assure everyone that i do have a life outside of cyberspace it's just that I like my computer and my music so that is logged on automatically as is MSN and Facebook and now Tumblr too!

I will prove all of what I've just said to you one day just not now because i'm working on a project (Yes I know! How James Bond of me!)

Love you readers!

Awkward Conversations!

"Hey how are you? :)"
"hi, ok you?" <- Opps what have I done now?

I don't know if it is just me readers but every so often (By this I mean everyday) I have msn conversations with people who I'm pretty certain really do not want to talk to me! Shocking I know! But still it confuses me every time because I try to talk to them normally and yet still they just reply so simply and uninterestingly that I can't help but wonder if they want to talk to me at all!
An example for you;

Me: Hey!

Him: hi

Me: How are you?! :)

Him: ok u?

Me: Yeah i'm good too thanks! You been up to much recently?

Him: Not really u?

Me: Well I was at a friends yesterday then went shopping the day before and other than that I went to the cinema with the family :)

Him: cool.

Why? why! why?! does this always happen to me? I mean, in my "example" I wrote Him because honestly, it usually is a guy that does that to me, if a girl doesn't want to talk they just won't reply but hey ho. On the other hand this may just be my over possessive mind yes, that wonderful distorted world I live in when asleep or day dreaming.

I think it could just be that I'm paranoid that every guy in the world hates me, but this could also be a reality do you not agree?!

I would also like to just quickly ponder over why it is that I am always the one saying Hi to people on msn? Is it just because people don't want to talk to me or am i just so super quick with my ninja fairy skills that they don't stand a chance when it comes to saying hey to me?
Maybe that is the problem me and my ninja skills. However why then is it that some people I leave to see if they will say hey to me and they just don't say hey it really really upsets me more than you could know blog readers! So if you are on my msn and never say hey then please, it's only one click and three letters away! It will probably make my day as well! Especially if you are a really good looking guy ;) although i've worked out I only have like... 8 good looking guys on my contact list out of 67 contacts! Most of whom are girls so don't worry guys you may be one of the good looking ones!

Well blog viewers I'm going to jump over to my other obsessive site now:
so I bid you good bye!


Saturday, 24 July 2010

Serial Dating and On-line Love

Oh my readers and followers, how can this be?
We are in a crazy world and messed up society

"hey sexi wana add on msn plz" - One of the many messages I have received from some desperate soul on "" yes. That is right I have done a stint on one of those silly "Internet Search Site" for teenagers.
On-line love has become a very big part of society today! To show you just how big it has become I typed into my google browser "On-line Dating" and guess what! I got a rather nice amount of results
69,100,000 To be precise!
For someone who has always believed in love and romance i had never tried out a dating site, so when my friend Jennie came to me saying she'd met this great guy on I had to check it out! I mean wouldn't you?
So I created my little profile trying to be as modest and interesting as possible, so I uploaded some photos, which I think would class as classy and some of them could even be considered mildly pretty (God forbid) After that I just left my account, only adding my close friend who use it!
Ten minuets later and I had a message and a friend invite from a guy called Damarie (Personally i thought that was a brand of sugar but apparently not) of course I was flattered by the proposition;
"hi nice i look you so sexy and wonderful in your pic i like you im single and you single And i want to set up a relationship with you so i wiat your msn or yahoo ok xxx"
Unfortunately for him I really wasn't looking for a relationship so I had to kindly tell him I was "Very flattered but actually someone else had swept me off my feet just an hour ago" Of course that was rubbish but I couldn't think of much else to say!
Thinking back at all these messages I have received I couldn't really pick out anything special because romance over the internet makes no sense to me! Why would anyone want to flirt with a guy who lives in Poland or Greece when all that will happen is you will fall in love with them and when you realise you won't ever meet them in person you freak.
What I don't understand is why people have to rely on the internet to find them someone to love! No-one knows what you like in a guy/girl so how on earth would a computer database. I'm sorry all the clever science people of the world but just because two people look perfect on paper doesn't mean they will work in reality!
Well my lovers and readers if I carry on with this I may go on for ages!
So that's my little snippet of On-line Dating experience but next time I don't think I will bother!

Sunday, 11 July 2010

My school had made this compulsory :o

I've been blogging for AGES!
Media Studies now means everyone hast to!

So we got our summer work a few weeks back, it's simple stuff really lots of hard graft for Art, Theatre Studies, English Lit and English Lang but when I took a look at my friend's Media Studies summer work one particular thing caught my eye... "You should consider writing and following a blog" WHAT? my little weirdness place is being invaded by media studies peoples! :o

Now I would like to say that actually I think I quiet like all the people doing Media Studies so it really is nothing personal (I've had to include this now in anything I do in-case I insult someone like I did in my Vlog)

So anyways now a lot of my friends are on here blogging, I'm not sure what about... yet! So I'm going to have to go do some snooping around and see what everyone finds to talk about because you know, I like a bit of competition! However I will make sure to view them in a totally non-biast manner and give them positive feedback, unless it really is horrible then I may have to un-subscribe, not that i'm subscribed to any of them yet! :O

Well I have to go and get dressed and shower and eat and everything so I had better go!
Final words today, I hope all the newbies on this thing have fun and make more sense in their blogs than I do :)

Much love

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

What do you miss most?

"What do you miss most about having a relationship?"
The question everyone wants answered

As I have previously said all relationships end at some point, there is no point denying it, as even if you do last untill you die then someone hast to die first right? So when relationships end we are often left wondering or being asked "What do you miss most?"

Well recently many people have asked me what I miss most about being in a relationship since 7 months is an awfully long time, sure it isn't years but it's still a pretty long time especially for me!

So i've been thinking about this question alot because there is an awful lot i could miss! The days out, the kissing, the secretive smiles. However it has to be said that the one thing I miss about being in a relationship is the hugs, come on surly anyone would admit that hugs pretty much on demand is one thing that God should give us when he put us on this earth!
Or scientists should stop looking for cancer cures to make a machine when you just get a huge hug for free! It could be like those massage chairs in the cinema! Only you pay for them and the point of this is to have free hugs anytime you want or need one!

So as you do whilst thinking about this I decided to look up what "Hug" actually means and therefore I once again turned to my trusty wikepidia bar in the top corner of my screen (Oh Google Chrome i love you!)

"A hug is a form of physical intimacy, not necessarily sexual, that usually involves closing or holding the arms around another person or group of persons. The hug is one of the most common human signs of love and affection, along with kissing. Unlike some other forms of physical intimacy, it is practised publicly and privately without stigma in many countries, religions and cultures, within families, and also across age and gender lines."

A hug to me is a special gift one person can give to another, it lets them know they are safe and wanted, it is my belief that hugs are more crucial than kisses or sexual exchanges as the whole idea of one act between two people to convey emotion that really cannot be conveyed any other way is one of the most special things in this world.

Also the wide variety of hugs is astonishing, do you not agree? So when asked what I miss most about being in a relationship the only thing I could honestly say is the hugs and that feeling of security and being wanted if only for a moment.
Sure my friends give me hugs to say hey or bye and my mum gives me a hug when i'm feeling down but it doesn't compare really does it?

So there you have it! If there was one thing I could keep from my previous relationships it would be the countless hugs :)

Well my blog readers (However many of you there may be out there and hey all aliens) Goodnight and remember to treasure everything whilst it lasts.
Lots of Love
Harriet Corey


Me and fish do not mix very well.
It has taken three "incidences" to prove this.

So it has taken me years to find out that fish really just do not like me! Fish have always freaked me out a little bit with their scaly skin and their big googly eyes that don't have much emotion unless they are trapped on land and are slowly suffocating to death... Anyway to cut a long emotional story about how icky fish are short i've suddenly found out that fish just don't like me either!!

Incident One: This was a little while ago (by this i really mean seven years ago, but who's counting?) I had some pet fish, now i'm sure you will understand that I don't remember their names since it was 7 whole years ago! I may remember lots of things but the names of my pet fish just were not relivent, however i do know that my particular fish was a Lion Fish (Yes I know, i remember the stupidest things) So back to the story!
I was at school one day, only a few weeks after having had my fish and they ended up dead. I know shocking so as you don't usually do I didn't want to errm "Flush" my beloved fish so we buried them in my back garden! Now what my parents don't know is that a few years ago I had a nightmare about these fish dying with their eyes popping and everything so when they were out I went and dug up the dead bodies, of course i'm a little squimish so i paniced and threw the spade full of soil over into my next door neighbors side of the fence and filled in the hole. I had nightmares for ages but everytime they kept popping their eyes at me. In the end they gave up.

So that was one incident that has lead me to believe fish do not like me!!
Now onto another story once again about death only this time i was eating garlic prawns my mother had made. So as I keep saying I hate fishes eyes and so when it comes to de-heading and tailing my garlic prawns i get my mother or father to do it for me since they have no problem with it at all! However this one time I was made to do one myself and so whilst de-heading the prawn it managed to jump out of my hand (Just the head not the whole body) and into my glass of juice. Now i'm not afraid to say I went into a bit of a hysteria at this prawn that had just jumped into my juice and hence haven't drunk tropical juice or eaten whole prawns ever again. This just kind of proved to me that actually even in death all fish want to escape me!!!

The last story is that of a fridge, some sole and my mother.
My mother saw I was by the fridge and asked me to put the sole away, only as I closed the fridge door to go over and get the packet of dead fish from her, she decided it was a good idea to throw the sole at me. Consequently it landed at my feet, now this piece of fish was not intact! (As in it had no eyes, or skin or tail) However all I thought of was the beady little eyes staring up at me and well popping and so in a rather un-flattering fashion i fell over backwards. The fish is still in the freezer as I cannot bring myself to touch it therefore my mother has refrained from touching it!!

So as i'm sure you can see, my aversion to fish has a very good feeling and I can now admit that I have wished most of my friends fishes dead at one point or another (Sorry friends but they just don't like me ask them yourselves!)

What a random waste of blog space that was :o Ah dear, I may have truly and finally lost all my normality now! This really had no point but you know. Now i also have a serious blog to post so I shall stop with the silly fish stories (all of which are true) and go back to writing that!!

Love to all
Harriet Corey