"Ohmygosh. He wrote me a song!"
Great. Show off why don't you!
Hello my loverlies! I decided that I'd rather write this post sooner rather than later since otherwise I would forget all the wonderful songs I wanted to share with you! Some people choose an outright "I really like you will you go out with me?" method. Some people get their friends to do the dirty work and some people will secretly post notes into your locker.
Personally I'm too shy to do any of the above, so when sat around a table at a meal with four of my gorgus girls from Theatre Studies (You know who you are!) We were thinking of all the ways to tell someone that you liked them subtly without making a complete fool out of yourself!
Our solution: Music.
So I thought, I know, I will share this with my internet looker-ons and see what they think, So here we go with my top 10 songs to tell somone you like them (This is before the whole going out part, so i'm going to try to avoid songs with "love" in them. As no-one ever loves someone before they start going out.)
I love this song, for me it's all about a guy who see's a girl he really likes everyday and he knows he shouldn't be feeling this way about her. He's tried everything to move on from her but simply can't, "it was always there just never spoken" I found this a perfect song because it shows every emotion you could be feeling when you're waiting for the right time to tell someone you like them.
A very over-played song, but one that could explain everything about a situation, maybe you've heard the guy/girl you like has a crush on someone else and hounestly. I've been there, it sucks and everytime I think about it I can't help but think of this song and it makes me feel so much better. I'll tell you a funny (personal) story. I accidentally played this when I was listening to someone's music with them and when I showed my friend we burst into hysterics (In a very quiet room) and it got so bad I had to go outside and calm down. Oblivious the person I was sharing the headphones with had no idea what had happened and why me and my friend were laughing so much. oops.
I know, I know. Typical love song but who could possibly argue with the impossibly sexy voice of one of the worlds most gorgeous male specimens (Sorry guys, it's true! Look and sound like him and any girl would be yours) This song I'd rather advise guys to send to girls... Girls the guys may think you're a little weird sending them this since it is unfortunately a predominately female song.
One of my most amazingly talented and crazy friends Allya showed me this song and honestly? I think I fell in love with it! I'm not sure i'm in the correct position (Having only just heard the song) to judge the meaning behind it or in what situations you could use this, but one thing I know is the melody is beautiful and the lyrics hypnotic. (If a little repetitive)
This song is one of my oldest and favoritest love songs, it's all about someone falling in love for someone just because of who they are (If you notice in the lyrics she never once mentions appearance, making this a truly un-shallow song) I'm not sure why I like this song so much as the undercurrent suggests that she doesn't really want to like this guy (but lets just pretend the world doesn't look into songs as much as I do and just call it a lovely song no?)
LOOKIE! I'm half way through! Only 5 more songs to go until the final hurrah!
I heard this song last week, and I already know all the words I love it that much. I would recommend this one if you wanted something that's not quiet so serious and a little bit more upbeat than my other choices. This one was particularly good for me because I keep forgetting how to speak when I talk to the guy I like (and me not speaking is a very big deal) The only thing I would say about this one is it's not as serious as the others so be warned they may not understand it as well!
This goes against what I was saying a little by being very heavily focused on the word "Love" and is more about the future but it's defiantly one of those feel good songs! Again this is one i'd probably only expect guys to send to girls (Since it's another of those really soppy ones with lots of cute images of kids aka. "I would fall deeper watching you give life" somehow not the kind of thing I'd send to a sixteen year old!) Still wait until you get to twenty and a guy gets up on a karaoke night and sings this, then you will understand why this is on my list!
(Originally by Celine Dion so you could use her version but her voice annoys me)
This I think is particularly good for when you meet someone and instantly take a liking to them, it explores how you can still like someone even if you don't actually know that much about them! It also shows that actually, things may not last and may not work out but you won't know until you try. Best bit about this song? It isn't too forward and it isn't too soppy! Also it's not hard to sing so you could always try your own cover to show the lucky lad/lady.
Another suggestion from Allya (she's quiet good with the soppy love songs) As soon as she said it I agreed, although this again is one i'd probably only use if I was going out with someone, but then that's just me. It reminds me again of the whole "life only happens once, you aren't going to get a second chance so just go with it and live each day like it's your last" (That is a paraphrased quote from the beautiful Emma, who's also extremely good when it comes to liking guys and not knowing what to do, not that I've listened to her advice)
Now for a big BIG drum-roll for my final (and personal favourite song)
There is no doubt that this is my ultimate favourite "tell him you love him song" and there are several reasons why: One: She's in exactly the same position as me, so badly wanting to say something but having no idea what or how to say it. Two: The music and the lyrics are simply beautiful. Three: Oh the paranoia. The whole idea of it being so obvious to everyone but the person you like that you like them it almost drives you crazy and this song shows that.
So there you have it my friends and followers and enemies!
My top ten list of songs to tell someone you like that you like them!
I'd like to point out i'd be extremely great-full if you told me what you think of those so leave a comment if you wish, or even if you don't wish and tell me what you think, also any other suggestions would be cool!
Mucho love from the land of behind the sofa (Yes, it's freezing at the moment so i'm sat behind the sofa with my back against a radiator writing and sourcing this!)