Sunday, 2 January 2011

I did a little research...

Yay or Nay?

Hey blog readers! I know i've been writing a lot today what with all the crazy stuff happening but some new stuff has just caught my eye on Facebook!

I have some friends who like me adore the internet, one of whom has a lot of beliefs which she shares with us on Facebook! I love them because it gives me something to read about and new sites to look at. Recently she posted a link to this blog: click here saying how bad it was, I agree.

Now I'm a curvy person, yes that makes me bias and if you want to challenge me then go right ahead! However looking at some of these photo's has made me feel a little bit angry. 
Firstly at myself, because after looking at a few I started to feel my spirits drop and I started thinking why can't I be like that. After a brief pause I relied that this was completely stupid of me.
Secondly at the people who make up these things, I'm not trying to sit on a high horse or tell you what's wrong or right but surly creating images just to make you loose a foolish amount of weight isn't a good thing? especially if you're trying to pressure other's as well?

I admit, I look at seriously obese people and think "Thank goodness i'm not like that" (I always feel bad afterwards) but never do I look and think "God they need to loose some weight how ugly!" This is the feeling I get from some of these self named "Pro-Ana" sites who seem to think this constantly about anyone who isn't a stick. We're forever being told that "Weight doesn't matter" and for part that's true! Why should we (and I don't just mean girls) go around hating our bodies and spending time punishing ourselves just because a photograph told us to?

Photo's like this make me wonder, what have these girls had done to them to make them be so determined? Why are they so against having just a bit of fat on the body? Mainly I ask myself "Won't they get seriously cold in winter?" but that's just me being stupid and childish!
I love my body and I love being me. Why can't everyone else feel the same?
So whilst doing a bit of research into this I came across another blog (Written by a girl I know) which is completely "anti-ana" click here Personally I would follow both sites just for the comparison but some of the feedback she's gotten is brilliant because it shows that sometimes we just need someone to stand up to the people who post this stuff and people will turn and see the healthy way of life and the healthy "non bullying" way to loose weight!

I then read a really interesting article which made my Jaw drop as is never occurred to me that maybe pro-ana sites are a good thing? Not the ones that bully you into feeling fat or loosing weight but there are some out there which creates a community for Anorexia sufferers and so gives support to those suffering? I don't know if everyone will agree with me but it seems a valid point.

Having said that I can't imagine anyone who would bully their selves every morning into loosing weight and not eating. Pro-Ana seems to illogical to me and I worry how society has forced girls into feeling this is a good thing and necessary for you to find friends and for people to love you.

Yeah - That's me in all my "curvy" glory from last summer! I admit my face is a little bit odd in that photo but I'd rather be like that than the first photo! Fair enough, it's your choice in the end and it's your way of living your life. We all have personal choices to make regarding our body image but blog readers please think about what's "healthy" and what isn't! Throwing up just so a guy will like you is not natural! If anything guys prefer "meat" because it makes you cuddly  (and ultimately gives you bigger boobs)

I love you all readers and please think carefully and seriously! I'd hate for any of you to end up feeling like that!

Peeking In At Windows...

I looked out of my window 
and saw a man!

So sat here casually promoting my blog, editing a website and listening to Leona Lewis (No, this blog is not about my awful taste in music) So I was casually messing around in general and I looked outside my window to see a man. Yes, I live in the country side and people walk past regally. So I thought nothing of it! 

About ten minutes passed and I stood up to stretch and looked out of the window and the man was there again! Now me being me I decided to ignore it and carry on chatting to friends. 

and then he was back I know I know I sound stupid but this man was just walking up and down. Nothing wrong with that? Well he was quiet obviously looking into mine and my neighbour's house... 

So I started to wonder and decided it was best to tell my mum and dad (who were sat reading by the fire like old fogies - oh and just so you know they didn't kill me after this morning's rush) My mum then looked out of the window and saw the man too, she then sent my dad to err... follow him... we aren't stalkers just a little bit concerned! 

So I thought nothing of it, next thing I know my mum's gotten into her car and driven off after him... I think she fancies herself as a bit of a spy!
Anyway she then decided to call our next door neighbours (who live in a house so big and grand that Madonna was going to buy it) and notify their security people, which they did. 

THEN we actually called the "Neighbourhood Watch" for my area and they reported it to the authorities and it's all very exciting because the old man at the other end of the phone said that he loved cases like this especially when it was so mysterious!

We haven't seen him since and this happened an hour ago, but then again it is dark... so we wouldn't be able to see him even if we tried. 

Love to you all! 

Day Two : Faces!

I'm the oldest child
I think my parents may regret it ;)

Hey blog readers! Funny thing happened this morning. 

I woke up early, exercised (Yes, I know shock horror) and then went downstairs to brush my teeth at which point my parents called me into their room (we have three floors to our house so don't worry I don't brush my teeth in the kitchen sink, i'm not that weird) So we had a nice little chat about how the day is going to be all relaxed and hassle free. I leave the room. 

(Now i'm going to flick to my parent's point of view-ish for this bit)

Two minutes later I stick my head around the door again, tooth brush in mouth and inform them that an Ex-Boyfriend is dropping off some of my stuff at some point between 11 and 12 on his way to his new Girlfriend's house... 

Their faces looked something like this:

Why? because the clock said 10:45 - the house was a mess, no-one was dressed and my parents are obsessed with giving everyone and anyone a good impression even if all I had to do was open the door, smile nicely, take the bag say happy new year and close the door again (avoiding hitting said Ex in the face, because I would never ever do this

So within the next fifteen minutes my parents went into over drive, showering was a two minute phenomenon and hoovering seemed to be a brand new Olympic sport. (I think my mum managed it in all of 6 minutes and 49 seconds!

So by the time it got to 11 the house was tidy, family presentable and fire roaring in the fireplace (When I say roaring I really mean gently sparking a little, but if I said that then it would ruin the whole effect)
11 o'clock came and went, then 11:30, then 12, then 12:30 (by now i'm getting serious evils from the parents) It got to 1 o'clock, i'd been on a dog walk and gotten back by this time so I decided enough was enough and it was time I texted the Ex to ask where he was... 

"Hey are you dropping this stuff of or have you magically forgotten? x" 

"Errr.... Blame *insert new Girlfriend's name here*" 

No. I haven't told my parents yet (they're out shopping so I'll probably be killed when they get back) Suffice to say I don't think they'll be very impressed with me, or him for that matter. However they seem to like him so they won't blame him they'll probably say "he's just excited about seeing his Girlfriend! I'm sure you'd do the same if you were going to see Adam"  - I think not. 

I don't know why i'm telling you this! I just found their reaction to something so simple really funny!

Well onwards and upwards readers! Love you lots and lots (Like Jellytots!) 
Yup, I'm normal

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Day One : Changes!

As you can see, I've made a few changes
so Happy New Year!

Hello my wonderful readers and secret obsessives!

So here we are, on the brink of 2010 (Although I admit this morning I wrote "01/01/1011" on my facebook status... no brains aren't my strong point!) With the New Year comes change and with change going on all around me I decided that my little piece of heaven (My blog not my room) should have a bit of a change too!

Immediately upon clicking on my page (unless you've never really paid attention to the layout and colours of my blog) you should have seen that not only the layout but the colours and heading image have changed. I don't do amazingly at changing my layout all the time, because I'm a perfectionist and so obsess over the trivial things. However I decided to go for a slightly more colourful and not so harsh on the eyes look this time.

The blossom on the top picture I chose because it's a new year and so a "blossoming of a new chapter of my life" yes, I know how very, very sad!

Along with all the appearence changes I'm also going to start a new part of the blog, where every month I'm going to find one or two "Up-And-Coming's" to blog about, so friends, strangers really anyone who I think has a talent that should be shown. I've already got my first lined up so if you're reading this and think " I have something I want shown" then drop me an email!

That's the other new change (This is so exciting for me) I don't get many comments on my blog or questions or anything and so I have set up an exclusive e-mail for people to send comments, questions, mockings and anything else to!

so there you have it! A whole load of new changes for a brand new year!
Also I just want to say thank you so much for reading my blog, I know it gets a little random and sometimes makes no sense but that's part of the fun! I'm hoping that this "Up-And-Comings" idea will work out because there are so many people out there who I look up to for their talent and who never seem to be showcased!

So until later tonight when I'll post my first "Up-And-Coming" goodbye !

all my love to you crazy earthlings