Skittles, Art, Dinosaurs and Teaspoons
Yes, those four special things made my day
I'm a teenage girl... we've sussed this already yes? so anyways my day started off playing "i never" in the form room with some crazy cats i call my friends, or minions... which ever you prefer! So then we had this marvelous subject called history and due to my history/drama/art/English/re buddy being ill two of my other minions came and sat next to me.We did try to do the course work, but it was really hard... so Naomi had a pack of skittles! and so we amused ourselfs by playing this game using the skittles as counters (it was historical so don't worry! our education wasn't effected!) Anyways it ended up that our skittles committed suicide a few times... how? i hear you ask? well it went like this:
"Naomi? can i borrow a pen?" Naomi turns round
*Harri eats skittle*
"Harri? where did my skittle go?" *shrugs*
"committed suicide maybe?"
so yes... that was our little history adventure... it was fun honest (ooh and i survived the game every time!)
Dinosaurs... err... yes, dinosaurs! wonderful creatures that can apparently (according to my good friends Emily and Lara) steal oranges :s
We have to wait for our bus, and Emily and Lara have just realised there very good at dinosaur impressions... so my afternoon started with them attempting (and i use that very loosely) to teach me how to be a dinosaur... impossible i know!! :o
so i have now compiled a list of things you need to know to be a dinosaur...
Hunch your back slightly
Pull a demented face
Hop on your feet, not moving your legs when you run
Make a strange eeekaaawwww noise
Hold both arms out in front of you (about boob level) and make claws with your hands.
Run at a fast pace toward someone and bingo! your a dinosaur!!
Helpful isn't it? maybe i'll post a video once i have mastered this special talent!
now for the teaspoons... so i was sat on my bus quiet happily this morning, thinking to myself about something i got told earlier this morning... about one of my friends sending photos of himself *gasps* naked to a girl who rejected him! and then it struck me... this boy (ogar or slave as we like to call him) covered his "manhood" with a teaspoon... so that got me thinking, if his "manhood is small enough to be covered by a teaspoon then it must be pretty small yes?
So then that made me laugh, so i texted this to my other friend who was on the second bus... only to receive a text from the spoon boy! it went a little bit like this;
"Gee thanks! there is nothing wrong with my "manhood" and if u need proof... be my guest :-p xx"
to which i replied
"eww no!"
so yes... that was my rather crazy day! xD
and don;t worry! My spoon friend said i could put this on here as long as i told no-one his name! xD so I'm not being mean! really! we're good friends so its just a laugh :)
anyways i must go get on with my art!
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