i often spend days at a time asking myself what life is about.
My online dictionary (yes, i have it saved to favorites) defines love as the following:
Love: a feeling of great fondness or enthusiasm for a person or thing
You see, someone once told me i don't know what love is, and i didn't. But when
someone says something like that to me i can't help but spend hours thinking about it! So then it struck me... i do know what love is,
there are hundreds of different types of love, well not that many but still. So then i was thinking back to my Romeo and Juliet Essay for English! i
know, I'm a complete geek but still!
You can love someone in so many different ways, there's:
- Courtly Love - where someone tries to win someone over by being there and doting on them
- Family Love - the love we have for our parents, and our siblings. Its unconditional, meaning that even though we fight, we still love each other.
- Lust - yes, that well known feeling of desire, it's fun for a while, but never lasts.
- Devine Love - when you know someone so completely that you know exactly how they will react, what they are thinking, how they are feeling. Everything, you don't need to speak to enjoy what you have.
- Self Love - i have so much of this, and its not vanity! its the appreciating yourself and loving who you are, even though you may hate your legs, your nose or even your hair. But being respectful of your body shows self love.
So you see, there are at least five different types of love, so no-one can really tell if your in love or not! so if anything this little blog entry of mine is to tell those who read it, and i know this will sound so cliche but...
Listen To Your Heart
It's an important part of your body, and no-matter how many teachers and headmasters and parents tell you to use your brain more don't listen, (unless its in maths, then its probably a good idea!) but seriously, nothing can guide you more than your heart... it can take you to places that you didn't even know about. Lead you to people who you haven't even met yet, and best of all it can help you make those decisions that can change your life. So never block out your heart... because if you do you'll never find "happiness" whatever that actually means!xox
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