i mean, look at them... they just look so perrrrrty
Anyone who knows me will know i love the stars, i think they are be-a-ut-iful! seriously, they hold the key to our future no-one has ever really had the power to unlock their secrets and i hope no-one does! because their mystery is all part of the beauty!
I've thought for a long long time about what the stars mean to me, who is out there watching me, and most of all about how crazy it is, that we are just tiny insignificant dots and those things suspended in the midnight black sky (yes, i know my art teacher mr.woodall believes that nothing is actually black, which is why he hides the black paint!) but the sky is really really black, not a silly black but a scary dark sinister black. Yet at the same time it's almost comforting the way the sky hangs over us, like the lid to an un-opened box. protecting us.
(p.s my phone just made such a loud sound from a text message that it made me jump! so whoever has just texted me is DEAD)
ohhh how i wish i was a star! so i could shine over the world and watch over my friends, like the star in Stardust (now that is a film worth watching) anyways i love that film, and as the star says
"i like to watch the people on earth have adventures!"
well, i never have adventures! so i might as well become a star and watch other peoples! then i could sit up there and look at all these silly people getting into trouble and be like "oooh you done baaaad" of course i don't talk like that in real life (I'm actually rather posh apparently :)
so i was sat there typing, talking about stars and suddenly i look up and there it is! a gold streak across the sky, and no it wasn't a space ship! it really was a shooting star!
so i made my wish and now i hope it comes true :)
if it does i will tell you promise!
Don't you just love wishing on stars and hoping your wishes come true? i know i do! but then... i am a crazy Disney obsessed girl who believed in the song "wish upon a star" don't know it? well it goes like this:
"when you wish upon a star,
makes no difference who you are... everything your heart desires will come to
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