Saturday, 27 December 2014

My Hummingbird Bakery Challenge.

Hello friends, mermaids, princesses and orks!

It's the day after Boxing Day - Yay! You have officially made it through Christmas without being killed, nor I hope have you murdered any of your family members... If you have then please don't tell me!

I had a wonderful, wonderful Christmas and I'm truly lucky to have the friends and family that I do, with lots of quality time spent together and a fair amount of presents and food I think I've sufficiently revelled in the Christmas Cheer enough to last me right the way through to next December!

The thing I love most about Christmas is not being given presents, nor is it the food, but it's the look on someone's face when they open their presents from me! The best reaction this year goes to the boyfriend who upon opening his Northern Lights bath bomb spilt it all over himself, raised his eyebrows in confusion and muttered "well it's all water themed"... I thought he'd be smart enough to guess from the wind up whale coupled with the Northern Lights Lush bath bomb that I was taking him on holiday. He wasn't and he didn't and so his reaction when he opened a travel guide with a letter attached was priceless. Yes boyfriend, yes I am taking you to Iceland - best girlfriend ever? Oh I know!

Why am I posting? Oh I remember, I wanted to tell you about a new project I've decided to do! You see, The Boyfriend's mother gave me a cook book for Christmas. It's the Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook and it's a beautiful pink colour with lots of yummy photos of cakes on the front. Flicking through it I decided I loved the idea of everything in it and wanted to make it all. So for my 2015 challenge I'm going to make my way through the book, baking each of the recipes and posting the results, the reactions and the process! Since I'm not a fantastic cook but I love to bake I decided this would be a great way for me to learn some new skills!

Within this beautiful book there are 15 cupcake, 15 cake, 9 pie, 8 bar/slice, 6 muffin and 5 biscuit recipes. Yes - that's 58 recipes! That's four recipes a month... think I can do it? No, neither do I but I'm going to try my damn hardest to do it! After all, why set yourself an easy task when you could do something crazy?

So friends I'll keep you updated! I'm possibly going to start before the New Year, since I have so many to make and nothing to do with myself for the next few days!
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas!

Lots of love

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