Monday, 16 September 2013

Going Backwards

Morning lovely blog addicts!

So why am I up at such a godforsaken hour? Well I'm going back to school. I don't know why, no it's not because I'm impeccably stupid and need to retake anything. My dear friend Harriet and I decided it would be a good idea to go back and see Miss Mercer, our old drama teacher and the only reason I got any A Levels at all!

See, in theory this is a great idea. We can go back all grown up and chipper and show her how amazingly we are doing and thank her for all her help to get us to where we are now. The only thing is that I don't actually have that much to show for my first year of university. I've spent countless nights drunk (she won't want to know about those) I've been in a student film (I haven't even seen it so how am I supposed to know if it's good or not?) I've audition for one play (I didn't get further than the first callback) I've spent more hours cheerleading than in lectures and seminars (ok, so I danced on national TV but it still doesn't count) and I somehow managed to get a first... Through sheet luck and some very late night essay writing!

But what does that really mean? Some people have been all over the county. Some people have been in countless plays, now hold a position on the drama society comity and some have even bee in a film or two... Me? Nada!

So I question how I am supposed to go back into the school that spent 7 years trying to teach me, who helped me become the girl I was this time last year and say "hey! All that hard work? All that time trying to discover who I was? I lost myself the day I went to University"

I've got to admit its more than a little peculiar getting up at six, getting ready to go and catch a train to be picked up by Harriet and then get a bacon sandwich before going to school! It's like being back in sixth form only this time I'm allowed to wear what I want, I have two tattoos and my hair is a different colour! Oh and I'm not going there to learn anything!

So mon amies (see, I still use my GCSE's at least!) I'm off to the past to see it somehow it can help me work out what to do in the present!

Muchos love

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