Friday, 26 September 2014

Welcome To The Flip Side.

Hello old friends, hello new friends, hello to all you stragglers I left behind.

I'm back, maybe not with a bang but I am back, and for now I'm here to stay. A lot has happened since my last post to you, a whole year and a bit ago. Or at least, it feels like a lot!

Remember that guy? The box labelled and soon to be moving away guy? Well he's gone... going to Yorkshire the miracle being that at this moment in time we are planning on staying together, like really stay together and as far as things look when I finish university in 7 months time I'm going to move up there to be with him... jobs depending of course.

Remember B&Q? Well I left, I found a job at Primark with more hours, more money and more ways to progress... I left three months later. I won't bitch or complain, but fair warning if you're going to go work at Primark it's a very lonely place to work, especially for someone so sociable and chatty it drove me absolutely potty.

Remember University? I'm in my last and final year with nine hours a week and not much work to do I think..,

Remember Cheerleading? Yes, well I was a National Champion last year, had an accident and now I've been signed off and can't cheer this year.

So that's my life summed up into four tiny tiny paragraphs.

I guess the main question should be why am I back? What at this time possessed me to re-start and old failing blog with not many viewers? Honestly'? I feel like my life is starting to change a hell of a lot, boyfriend moving away, friends abroad, possibly moving to Yorkshire and I'm pre-empting that at some point in the near future it's all going to become a bit too much. So if I have this blog I will be able to talk to the world wide web about it, and then promptly move on and forget!

Hey! A blog is a lot cheaper than therapy!

See you soon m'dears,
Love you always

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