Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Non-Contact Time...

So girls we want you to do work
Meaning discuss prostitution?

Gooooood morning blog lovers, hates and other alien forces.

I'm having a bit of a wierd week, for one I just got told I had a spider in my hair by two people who are supposed to be my friends... Actually I say friends but they're really just people I spend my free periods with, again I lie. They are my friends, they just think it's amusing to tell me I have a spider in my hair, refuse to get it out and then watch as I run across a room to get one of my more understanding friends to get the fictional spider out of my hair (which looks so, so messy today, but that's beside the point)

 These next few weeks are all about universities and exams and stressful things lie that. For instance my "good-friend-but-one-of-the-spider-plotters-who's-reading-over-my-shoulder" Richard is looking at different universities. He wants to go to Oxford (but he's checking others incase he doesn't get in, which is highly unlikely as he's like a mini genius in a pink shirt. (No he isn't gay!) However he claims that it's red white and blue... like the French flag... French people get sunburn therefore go pink therefore I have decided his shirt is PINK.

So with exams looming I've not had much chance to write on my blog, compose posts in my head... yes. But not actually sit down and write anything! I'd like to take a moment to rejoice that I now have 17 followers *feels proud*

Why is this post about prostitution? Well I have spent my last two free's studiously working whilst discussing getting a job therefore also debating the possible income from becoming a prostitute... which I stupidly decided to tell the world I'd be a very good prostitute. Of course this is just one of those random things we talk about when all our heads can think about is exams and food and probably in Abby's case how long until she can insult me again!!

So anyways I have to go and get on with my work... I've spent way too much time on here allready and serious work needs to be done... by serious I mean finishing drama notes for the 100000000000000000 time!

Love to you all my blog readers and blog skippers...


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