Friday, 21 October 2011

Mind Boggle!

I come back and...
BAM lots of views!

Hey blog viewers! So I had a complete mind-blowing experience today, I came online to post about my AMAZING costume for world book day to find that I have had rather a lot of views recently... how I do not know, but it has scared me into thinking that maybe I should be looking after my blog a little bit more than I have been!

So I thought I would compile a quick list of "new things" to update you on my wonderful life...
  1. I'm now in my very final year of school, I've had my last first day and my last ever book day (something I will miss greatly!)
  2. I have decided on my courses for university
  3. I've completed a devised piece for Drama on the lives of Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath
  4. I have a new boyfriend
  5. Emily wishes to tell you I am in love with her
  6. I made a dress for the first time (with some help from my mum)
  7. I've been taught how to socialise and break the law by drinking... not the best!
  8. I TURNED 17
  9. My Disney addiction is becoming less noticeable to those who know me
  10. I'm in charge of running the school blog
So really viewers you haven't missed much in my life so far since it has mainly consisted of school work, parties, dress making and Theatre Studies... oh and that dreaded thing called UCAS (EUGH)

I have a few things I want to show you, such as the dress I made, some new bands I love and the Universities I want to go to but you will have to wait for all that since I am technically in a lesson!

Muchos Love!

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