Thursday, 27 October 2011

Idiot Moments.

I found a GoogleWack...
Then I killed it

Hey blog readers! Nice wet day I'm having down here in my little patch of England! 
So the other day I posted a blog post about my AMAZING GoogleWack... however I cannot believe my stupidity... by posting to you, my faithful followers about said GoogleWack I have thus murdered him. 
(Yes he is a he)

I feel so ashamed. 

Lots of Love 

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Harry Potter to Disappear

Morning Blog Readers! 
So you may be wondering what all the panic is about? Well Warner Brothers have decided to go down the same route as my beloved Disney... as of December 29th they will stop shipping of all Harry Potter Films making it near impossible to find copies! 
Some are speculating that this will create such high demand that they will run out of copies before the Christmas period is over, meaning that even if you do rush to the shops there is no grantee that you'll get a copy. 
For a girl who loves Harry Potter I haven't been very good at buying the DVDs, however after hearing this news and being one of the first to see it I predicted that prices will suddenly rocket on all the DVDs. Therefore I have spent the last few pounds in my bank account ordering the 5 DVDs I don't have. (I couldn't buy either of the Deathly Hallows so if you'd like to be my favourite person ever you could buy me that... just saying) 
  So my fellow Harry-Addicts I suggest you hop online right this second and purchase your copies, because sooner or later the prices are going to be mind-bogglingly high... I managed to pay just over £9 for 5 of them compared to the £35 they want for a box set, so be clever and save some money whilst purchasing the best film series ever (Okay, maybe not the absolute best but pretty close) 

Lots of Love! 

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Exciting Moments...

Happy Feet 2 Poster!!! 
My other half Harriet2 is home from Italy!!!
(yes I take A-Level Art... can you not tell?)

Love you all... sorry I'm just having an AWESOME DAY! 

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Dressing Up.

Dressing up is for kids...
Good thing I'm the biggest kid of them all! 

Hey Blog readers! I told you I would bring you a photo of my Belle costume! 
However I have realised that I'm an awful human being... I have such strange tastes in costumes so I thought I would give you a bit of a run-down of my various dressing-up extravaganza's and show you how I have progressed... ish. 

1: My first ever play! I was dressed as a peasant

2: World Book Day 2009! I was Tinkerbell

3: World Book Day 2010! I was Tiana from "Princess and the Frog"

4: Sports Day 2011! I was a Bumble Bee... duuh! 

5: G-I Joe's and their Hoes party... I was a "Hoe"

6: Book Day 2011! I was Belle from "Beauty and the Beast" 

Some people say dressing up is for children, however if adults did not dress up then there would be no such thing as Santa!
  An English Language theorist created a thing called the "Face Theory" the idea that we all put on different faces depending on who we are talking to. Take Camp Rock for an example (weak example, I know, but an example nonetheless) "Who will I be, it's up to me" key words from one Demi Lovato, when we wake up in the morning and decide what to wear we opt for different colours and styles which vary everyday. Sometimes without knowing it we are dressing up, for job interviews it is normal to dress twice as smart as usual, if you're going on a date girls often go for low cut tops or pretty dresses so they will appear to be attractive and if that date involves meeting the parents they will however opt for something pretty, simple and well covered so that the boyfriends parents will approve of them as "potential wife material" despite the fact they're probably going to break up in a matter of weeks! 

The fact of life is that we dress up to suit different situations, my brother thinks I am crazy for liking World Book Day but up until recently my school was the only school in the area to celebrate Book Day with a character day. Something which I have loved since year 7! 

When I was discussing with my mum the fact last Friday was my last ever Book Day she assured me "you will no doubt find some silly reason to dress up later on in life" to which I reminded her I wanted to be an actress and so dressing up would be mandatory! 
I love dressing up. It is a simple and plain fact and I think we should all try to dress up as a silly character at least once every few months! So with Halloween looming I wish you all the best of luck with your costumes and if you have any cool photos from Halloween or any other dressing up occasion send them to me because I want to start a "AWESOME DRESSING UP PAGE" as part of my blog!!

So have a good evening blog readers, lovers and haters!!! 
ps. The colour scheme is changing for the Autumn wooo!!!

Friday, 21 October 2011

Mind Boggle!

I come back and...
BAM lots of views!

Hey blog viewers! So I had a complete mind-blowing experience today, I came online to post about my AMAZING costume for world book day to find that I have had rather a lot of views recently... how I do not know, but it has scared me into thinking that maybe I should be looking after my blog a little bit more than I have been!

So I thought I would compile a quick list of "new things" to update you on my wonderful life...
  1. I'm now in my very final year of school, I've had my last first day and my last ever book day (something I will miss greatly!)
  2. I have decided on my courses for university
  3. I've completed a devised piece for Drama on the lives of Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath
  4. I have a new boyfriend
  5. Emily wishes to tell you I am in love with her
  6. I made a dress for the first time (with some help from my mum)
  7. I've been taught how to socialise and break the law by drinking... not the best!
  8. I TURNED 17
  9. My Disney addiction is becoming less noticeable to those who know me
  10. I'm in charge of running the school blog
So really viewers you haven't missed much in my life so far since it has mainly consisted of school work, parties, dress making and Theatre Studies... oh and that dreaded thing called UCAS (EUGH)

I have a few things I want to show you, such as the dress I made, some new bands I love and the Universities I want to go to but you will have to wait for all that since I am technically in a lesson!

Muchos Love!