Monday, 28 March 2011


We all like to think we are different
But what happens when we define that?

Good morning viewers, so a strange thought came into my head last night, one which I thought I'd share with you. We all want to be different, individual. If we feel we aren't original then we change our hair, our style, our personalities. A lot of the stuff we change isn't permanent, but with the invention of tattoos we are now able to change our body's with a strange form of art. Art is a funny thing, no-one ever really agrees if something can be deemed as "art" or not.

The thing with tattoos is they're supposed to make us individual. When you search tattoo into google images the main picture or stencil that comes up is a star. Stars symbolise bigger hopes and dreams, a far off place which we can only really dream about. From stars we have planets which hold hope for a new form of life, for astrologists and scientists it gives something to strive towards. Take the moon landing for example, each country was fighting for the best spaceship to take into space. America won. So the battle continued.

Tattoos each symbolise something different, however there is one tattoo which although the same has a completely different story behind each marking.

The Nazis gave each of their prisoners in the concentration camps a tattoo. Not a star, a heart or a pretty picture but a number. That number would take away their personality, from there on out they would no-longer be known by a name. They would forever be a number, the Nazi's didn't care about the individuals that they killed, just about the facts and figures. When we went to Krakow we didn't see a single photo of the tattoo and it's very rare that you'll walk down the street and see someone with a number on their arm. That's because it was turned to a sign of repression, of fate most of all, of death.


Sunday, 27 March 2011

The clocks change...

It would be quite nice if someone told me
as opposed to letting me think I'd gone mad

(Edit: apparently most of what I've said in this post is complete rubbish... goes to show how much I know about time changing and my sleeping pattern. No, it's not light when we get up... I found that out this morning when i threw open my curtains expecting sunlight and instead found darkness and a few stars. No, we don't get more sleep, we get less. Yes, I know even a baboon would have known this.)
Afternoon blog readers, lovers and haters! 

So guess what?! The clocks went forward, which I think means I get an extra hour of sleep? Although it does mean I have to go to bed early... so actually it means I get the same amount of time to sleep? I think? Would someone explain this please? 

What I have noticed though, is that on Heart FM this morning they decided they were going to accidentally say the wrong time, causing me way more confusion than was necessary... Apparently they apologised straight after but I'd changed over to listen to something else instead by that time! 

Now I know, deep deep down, that the clocks changing is a good thing, it means it's now officially light when we get up and light when we get home from school (which sucks because it means if I need to run down the hill to catch my train on time I don't get the usual darkness which until now was very useful at keeping my identity secret). However what happens to all those animals in the world (like my dog Sirius) who have internal body clocks? They know exactly when they should be fed and won't shut up until we've fed them at this time! I'm currently locked safe in my room so I won't be able to hear him begging for his food an hour early, which sounds incredibly mean of me but it's true! After a while he does get used to it, but for the fist few days he doesn't quite understand it! 

Another crazy thought just popped into my head, they were trying to make us go forward by two hours at one point weren't they? Meaning that right now it would be... five in the afternoon? What an awful waste of two hours! I know that we would have all been asleep, unless you're some crazy party animal who stays out until two, not some sad freak who can barely keep her eyes open past 11 at night. Of course I'm not talking about me here... ok. I lie, I am!

Ah heck, I still have an essay to do which I only just realised about... sorry readers but I have to go and write essays inside, while wishing I was outside in the sun... someone trade places? Pretty please?
Anyways love to you all



Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Somethings just don't add up.

The weather is not an indication
of what kind of day you'll have.

Evening Blog readers! 
I witnessed an accident today, a boy crashed his moped into the back of a bus on his first lesson, he was sixteen. No don't worry, he is fine but it does make you put things into perspective.

For those of you living in the little slice of heaven (only on occasion) that is Kent you'll have seen the sky... no, not the usual cloudy dull and darkness but the actual blue of the sky above your head. For those of you in a rainy place I apologise for being a little bit smug and overly excited, I'm sure you'll have some sun soon... unless you're in Gloucestershire... It rains a lot there apparently. (Yes, I'm taking that from the well known nursery rhyme) 

So back to what I was originally trying to say, sometimes the weather can be perfect, not a cloud in the sky but horrible events will take place. Today I nearly missed my train so I ran down the hill with my friend Steph, yes we looked stupid. However we got halfway and started walking again, neither of us decided to start walking we just simultaneously stopped running. Not having walked more than five paces we heard a crash, a horrible screeching noise which really really didn't seem to be anything important until we turned around to check and saw a moped go into the back of a bus... the 205 to be precise. 

It's fair to say when the boy sat up Steph and I didn't have a clue what to do, however we did work out that calling an ambulance and standing shaking and smiling whilst trying our best to keep calm and chip in our accounts of what happened when anyone asked. 

I know this doesn't really make much sense... ever but it's really quite strange thinking that on such a perfectly sunny day something so awful could happen. As far as I know the boy was fine (I feel awful I don't even know his name) but he was up and walking about and getting into the ambulance when we were told we should leave so don't worry. In English we've been studying The Great Gatsby and the same idea occurs in that, the weather in the initial meeting between Gatsby and the love of his life Daisy it's raining, but not the romantic heavy rain but the drizzly stuff that no-one in their right minds likes. Then when Tom runs Mertyl over it's stiflingly hot, for all intense and purposes a beautiful day! Ordinarily in the movies, the books, the songs we hear how when someone dies it's raining outside, you can hear it on the window pain and the sadness of the situation seems worse simply because of the rain. Where as the hot weather usually means romance, rolling around in hay bails with farm boys, lazy days on the beach gossiping with your friends, not death, not accidents, not something so sad. It seems to me that when the weather doesn't match the tone of the day (like today for me) the whole world seems to start tipping slightly, not much but enough to think that yes, the world has finally lost it's mind.

I guess it goes to show how no-one can judge when a disaster is going to happen, when something good will come about and no-one will ever really understand how this world works. Seeing this accident and feeling the sun on my back has made me realise how nothing in this world seems to be connected. The earthquake in Japan happened at the same time as the riots in Lybia, leaving newspaper reporters confused as to which story will make better news. 

I guess you could also take the ideology that actually we are only interested in something when the news is bad, when someone dies or when our peaceful state of mind is threatened. You never hear stories which don't have a happy ending unless it has a sad beginning, you never hear of a sad ending unless it began happy. I don't know if this makes sense to anyone other than me, my thoughts aren't very coherent today not that they ever normally make sense :/ 

Well blog readers I'd better go to bed, I have a long day of drama rehearsals and English essays (none of which I have any idea what I'm doing! I think I'm going to have to find a year.13 to tutor me at this rate!)

Love you all loads

PS. This came up on my "following blogs" link thing and it made me laugh so check this out, it's two guys from my school's podcast and I found it hysterical in places, if a little random! 


Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Non-Contact Time...

So girls we want you to do work
Meaning discuss prostitution?

Gooooood morning blog lovers, hates and other alien forces.

I'm having a bit of a wierd week, for one I just got told I had a spider in my hair by two people who are supposed to be my friends... Actually I say friends but they're really just people I spend my free periods with, again I lie. They are my friends, they just think it's amusing to tell me I have a spider in my hair, refuse to get it out and then watch as I run across a room to get one of my more understanding friends to get the fictional spider out of my hair (which looks so, so messy today, but that's beside the point)

 These next few weeks are all about universities and exams and stressful things lie that. For instance my "good-friend-but-one-of-the-spider-plotters-who's-reading-over-my-shoulder" Richard is looking at different universities. He wants to go to Oxford (but he's checking others incase he doesn't get in, which is highly unlikely as he's like a mini genius in a pink shirt. (No he isn't gay!) However he claims that it's red white and blue... like the French flag... French people get sunburn therefore go pink therefore I have decided his shirt is PINK.

So with exams looming I've not had much chance to write on my blog, compose posts in my head... yes. But not actually sit down and write anything! I'd like to take a moment to rejoice that I now have 17 followers *feels proud*

Why is this post about prostitution? Well I have spent my last two free's studiously working whilst discussing getting a job therefore also debating the possible income from becoming a prostitute... which I stupidly decided to tell the world I'd be a very good prostitute. Of course this is just one of those random things we talk about when all our heads can think about is exams and food and probably in Abby's case how long until she can insult me again!!

So anyways I have to go and get on with my work... I've spent way too much time on here allready and serious work needs to be done... by serious I mean finishing drama notes for the 100000000000000000 time!

Love to you all my blog readers and blog skippers...
