Prom in America is HUGE but Prom at WOK is just as big
"I've had the time of my life, no I've never felt this way before"
Firstly I think a massive "Well done" to Alice, Alex and their prom committee is in order. I know many were a little apprehensive about our WOK Prom '10 because the school washed their hands clean of it. Seriously, they would have absolutely nothing to do with the whole affair, which is a little disappointing as the night as a whole was incredibly well organised and entertaining (despite the "background music" at the start, yes i am talking Norah Jones and other such wonders my parents would have loved to dance to!
Facebook status' now all reflect the general consensus of the evening, in other words it was amazing. Not a single person I have spoken to has given a bad review of the evening, even the food went down a hit considering the puddings went quicker than the oriental buffet style finger food (I didn't eat much but I can say those cheesy filled potatoes and spring rolls were marvellous)
There are several things the prom has taught me about our year, some of them good, some bad and some are just plain ridiculous
- WOK girls have the ability to have fun without alcohol (defiantly a good thing)
- Most girls brought dates with long hair (Not sure if that's good or bad)
- We cannot dance. I'm very sorry if you think you are a good dancer but that was NOT evident last night
- Screaming loudly in unison is one of our many combined talents
- Pudding is always eaten before the savoury stuff. (Seriously I've never seen food go so quickly!)
- We ALL had sore feet, which implies that our heels were a little bit too much
- Glee is well loved, as is the Cha Cha Slide and Barbie Girl.
- Pretty much everybody looked amazing, showing that although we may get told off for how we look at school it doesn't matter because when it comes down to it we are a pretty good looking year group!
There were many other little things that caught my attention but those were the most evident!!
Prom dresses are always a very big worry, I know I was panicking until I found the perfect dress, however I would have loved a proper picture of me in it! Since, alas I have not a single one (Which reminds me if anybody found a camera that isn't theirs can you please contact Meg because she lost hers and it has many photos on it!)
Over all the night couldn't have been better, except maybe if Gemma had been there and if I'd had a proper camera to take photo's on!! (Birthday Hint!)
Sometimes I think back on all the old memories I have and I wonder "Will I still remember this in ten years time?" Well I have a feeling I won't have to do that about Prom because I know those memories will stay with me until the time i get old and end up loosing my memory and eventually dying, unless they find new technology which will make me live forever and never grow older (Yes, I know, wishful thinking!)
So my friends, we now have to wait until the sixth form ball to dress up all together and dance like lunatics, personally I simply cannot wait for that day even if it is two years away :(
So farewell for today, I shall no doubt Blog again in the long dull days after drama when I have nothing more to do than play tetras due to my grounded state at the moment (Feel sorry for me!)