Monday, 10 May 2010

Letting go

Moving on means letting go
but that doesn't mean forgetting
We often find ourselves looking at our lives and thinking "whats the point?" but really everyone has a point in life, i'm one of those people who think everyone has a soul mate... but as Natasha Beddingfield puts it...
"Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told"
We all want someone to love us and to love, but the truth is at the age of 15/16 you aren't going to know who you love and so hanging onto something that isn't going to work isn't worth it. Some people find someone and stay with them for years... others fall in love on a whim and then give up on them and move on... but some people in this world try to claim what is not theirs just because they feel lonely well News Flash: it won't work.
It can take anything between second to years to lifetimes to get over someone if you feel you have loved them. Yes i am talking from experience, but a word of warning to anyone who reads this... if you find yourself hoplessly inlove with your friends Ex, make sure they are ok with it. Or else you run the risk of loosing your friends and once you loose your friends nothing seems right.
Ever feel so blue that life would be better without you? I know i have... just look through your old messages on your phone or MSN conversations and have a look and see just how many people do love you, for being you. The worst thing you could possibly do is try to win anyone's attention because you feel lonely or sad or just pain in general. If you feel unloved, just turn to a friend and ask for a hug... or better yet just tell them how you feel, because no-one is a mind reader (except maybe Simon Cowell) What ever you do, DO NOT TRY TO HARD because you may end up pushing them further away.
The title of this post is "Letting Go" letting go when you know you have lost is one of the hardest challenges we have to face, take gordon brown... he has a choice of either leading the Labour party to failure, or resigning and giving his party a fighting chance. Sure, no-one who reads my blog is that important but if Gordon Brown has a choice of letting go and saving everything or loosing out on everything and loosing all his friends... i know what i would do... don't you?
I guess what i'm trying to say in a round-a-bout way is that in all hounesty sometimes it's better to let go of a guy you like, or a job oppertunity if it means leaving behind your friends or worse... making them hate you, because this world is nothing without friends by your side and when you find a good bunch you should keep them and cherish them and count your blessings and realise they like you no matter what, so if your trying to hold onto distant memories no matter how good, it can be better to let go, because your friends will allways be there to catch you when you fall.
Good night Blog Readers... i'm going to go put smelly stuff in my hair

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Gosh What a Long Time!

Look! A Camera! Quick Pose!

Sometimes you leave people behind, and you forget all the good times and remember the bad, but that's why we have photos... so we can remember those times we should never forget.

Anyone who knows me will know I'm a camera whore... so much so that I'm thinking of buying a new camera, just so i can take lots of photos of me this summer (joking, well partially)

So as you may or not know Bebo is shutting down yes, i did just say err type shutting down how depressing? do they not know i have over a thousand photo's on there? no i didn't think so! So anyways i decided it would probably be a good idea to attempt to save all these photo's back onto my computer just so i have them for the future... although it wasn't until i had started did i realise just how many photo's there were... some dating back to year 7 (I would like to point out I'm year 11 so that's... 4-5 years back)

As i was looking through these photos i realised just how much fun I've had with my friends at school and out of school and at home and at sleepovers and another thing, just how much of a poser i am... 1000 photos of myself and friends i can safely say i am just as bad as they are... which make me a hypocrite!!

So now it's 23:16 as my computer tells me... which i think is 11:16? or maybe its 10:16? i know it's not 12:16 because that would be 0:16... eh i give up! anyway I'm listening to Hannah Montana loudly i the dark... so i think i may go to bed as i have to revise tomorrow :o not cool!

Anyways goodnight my blog readers
