So It's A New Year Tomorrow
Which always means reflection time - woo
Hey blog viewers! Missed me? I bet you did, deep deep down somewhere. At least, I kind of hope you did, as ever after a long period of not posting I apologise and explain why I didn't post - this time it was pathetic of me but I let some nasty comments get to me and so felt that being me posting on here was no longer a good idea. I'm sorry. I only wish I'd kept it up as so much has happened since I went for that Disney Audition and I can't really begin to explain, so maybe the highlights of my year will help?
So last year I knew that 2012 was going to be a big year for me, it was the year I turned 18, the year I went to University and the year I promised myself I'd learn to drive. I managed all of this and more and now that the year is out I cannot say that there is anything I would change. My last half year at WOK was the best and the worst, the best because we all became friends again, anyone in the year who had arguments or differences put these aside and we all forgave and forgot which meant it became the worst half year too since leaving was so hard. I will never be able to thank WOK or my friends there enough and it's weird to think I won't be seeing most of them again. Work commitments mean I miss out on the "Year 14 Celebration" which is slightly disappointing but honestly I think it would be far far far too weird going back again.
My last post was about my Disney audition, which I did kind of well in, I managed to get through to the second round and then messed up on my dancing, which was always going to happen! But it's one of those experiences I wouldn't change for the world, truly I loved every second of it and I'm almost certain I want to audition again. Just after I finish at Uni since I've already paid so much money to be there! As a side note to all the people who were commenting telling me that dreaming of being a Disney Princess was "pathetic" and "childish" I think that says more about you than it does about me, I have many times explained my love for Disney and I think it's sad that people don't have those dreams or feel the need to put down the few people left in this world who believe in true love and fairy tales.
As for University I managed, by some miracle, to get the grades and it was with this that I was packed off to The University of Kent. Uni so far had been pretty rough for me, I didn't like my course and I'm not entirely sure I do at the moment but I promised to wait it out as second year is apparently "a lot better" and more interesting! It's odd to think I've only been at Uni for a few months, I feel like I've been there all my life and I think this is largely down to my friends. It's an odd feeling but I'm hoping some of you have had this where you look at someone after having spoken to them for just ten minutes and something inside you just knows that you will be that persons friend for a long time. Yes? No? Well that's happened to me with several people and when I think of life before said friends I find it weird to think I didn't know them. It's largely down to this rag-tag group of people that I didn't give up and leave Uni and for that I am so grateful because after a lot of drama with housing for next year I've found a house for 6 of us to live in and I am so beyond excited, it's funny how something so little as finding a house to live in or people to live with can totally change your outlook on a situation!
I think the biggest influence on my not leaving Uni hast to be UKC Cheer, after trying out for the Raven's Pom Squad and not getting a place I joined the Falconettes, the game day and performance squad and I have never ever been more happy around a group of people than I am around the cheeries. Since joining I've made friends, mistakes and a fool of myself and I wouldn't have it any other way. There's something about just chilling with the Cheeries and Falcons that makes me feel like I belong somewhere, there's never a dull moment and it's through Cheer that I've met two of my future housemates and people I will call "friend" for life. So if any of you read this, and I doubt you will I just want to say thank you, for everything and for being there for me when I needed you even if you didn't realize it!
So all in all 2012 proved to be a rather special year and although 2013 doesn't technically have any big significance in my life I doubt there will be a dull moment - after all this is me we're talking about!
So blog viewers, I hope you have a lovely and wonderful and beautiful New Year and I promise I shall start to blog again, pinky swear!
Which always means reflection time - woo
Hey blog viewers! Missed me? I bet you did, deep deep down somewhere. At least, I kind of hope you did, as ever after a long period of not posting I apologise and explain why I didn't post - this time it was pathetic of me but I let some nasty comments get to me and so felt that being me posting on here was no longer a good idea. I'm sorry. I only wish I'd kept it up as so much has happened since I went for that Disney Audition and I can't really begin to explain, so maybe the highlights of my year will help?
So last year I knew that 2012 was going to be a big year for me, it was the year I turned 18, the year I went to University and the year I promised myself I'd learn to drive. I managed all of this and more and now that the year is out I cannot say that there is anything I would change. My last half year at WOK was the best and the worst, the best because we all became friends again, anyone in the year who had arguments or differences put these aside and we all forgave and forgot which meant it became the worst half year too since leaving was so hard. I will never be able to thank WOK or my friends there enough and it's weird to think I won't be seeing most of them again. Work commitments mean I miss out on the "Year 14 Celebration" which is slightly disappointing but honestly I think it would be far far far too weird going back again.
I think the biggest influence on my not leaving Uni hast to be UKC Cheer, after trying out for the Raven's Pom Squad and not getting a place I joined the Falconettes, the game day and performance squad and I have never ever been more happy around a group of people than I am around the cheeries. Since joining I've made friends, mistakes and a fool of myself and I wouldn't have it any other way. There's something about just chilling with the Cheeries and Falcons that makes me feel like I belong somewhere, there's never a dull moment and it's through Cheer that I've met two of my future housemates and people I will call "friend" for life. So if any of you read this, and I doubt you will I just want to say thank you, for everything and for being there for me when I needed you even if you didn't realize it!
So all in all 2012 proved to be a rather special year and although 2013 doesn't technically have any big significance in my life I doubt there will be a dull moment - after all this is me we're talking about!
So blog viewers, I hope you have a lovely and wonderful and beautiful New Year and I promise I shall start to blog again, pinky swear!