Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Sunday, 8 July 2012

50 Shades of Embarrassed?

Porn? Smut? Good? 
Embarrassed by the book everyone is talking about?

Dearest blog readers, I am only somewhat ashamed to say I am currently reader the most talked about "porn book". 50 Shades of Grey. Even more ashamedly I am actually a little bit hooked! Let me explain, I first picked up the book because everyone around me was talking about it, at work, on the radio and even my second cousin was reading it whilst she was staying at ours for the week... however I had not been told just how bad it was going to be, nor how addicive!

A lot of people who haven't read the book are instantly judging it as straight up porn, those who are reading it seem to think it's the best thing since Jacqueline Wilson  (Yes I spellchecked her name).

So the question I pose to you, my ever valued and totally sensible blog-readers is "Should we be ashamed to admit to reading such "smut"?" as my darling father likes to call it! I'd like to say no, because oddly enough I'm not - however if I had come across it in a dodgy section of Waterstones I probably wouldn't have picked it up, actually I wouldn't be anywhere near a dodgy section in Waterstone FULL STOP.  But the innocent looking cover and the seemingly harmless name almost encouraged me to pick it up, plus the fact I was desperate for a good read and it was only £6 in Hmv, on display right by the counter... yeah I think it's safe to say the family-friendly Hmv staff probably haven't read it, if they had then it wouldn't be shown so prominently in store, that or all the female members of the staff would be hidden behind the counter eagrly reading away ignoring all the male customers who probably don't have the faintest idea about the book.

The plot itself is actually quite interesting, it's another one of those unlikely scenarios where a young collage student in America stumbles into the life of a rich and famous (not to mention totally gorgeous) business man who becomes quite smitten with her - at least, that's what happens in the first four chapters! From then on it's a twisted world of shackles and somewhat grotesque descriptions of sex, not to mention various contracts outlining sexual acts I had never even heard of before!(Which will probably be of great relief to my parents)

I'm actually only about 3/4 of the way through the book and so I have no idea what the ending holds but I reassure you I have the 2nd and 3rd book in the series ordered and awaiting dispatch so if it ends on a cliffhanger I can continue my avid interest in a series which was probably written for bored housewives who don't see much change in their daily bedroom routine!

So readers, friends and haters! This book seriously isn't for the fainthearted or squeemish as it will probably leave you questioning why you're reading about such crazy sex acts - and proabably very scared that somewhere deep down inside you, you find Mr. Grey just as attractive as Ana does in the book... but don't worry, I think  everyone reading this will be in the same boat as you! (Unless they are male... in which case they would probably just be thinking about the sex, goodluck girlfriends of the unlucky few!)

So I'm off to bed, or maybe to read some more, but probably bed! My last bit of advice? Girls, you might as well give it a go! You never know you may become as totally horrified but as completely engrossed as I seem to be! But hey, if you don't want to read it - you could always go see it on the big screen!

Saturday, 7 July 2012

How I learnt to spell iPod, growing up and making mistakes.

Sorry, it's been a while
But there have been no words. 

 Hey blog readers, viewers and friends! I'm truly sorry about how long it has been since my last post - a lot seems to have happened and so far I haven't felt the need to write about it, any of it. 
So I finished my exams, had my leaver's ball and breakfast and am officially no-longer a school girl. All I have left to do is await the 16th of August for my results - which will hopefully enable me to go to one of my universities of choice, hopefully! 
So in the last week at school my iPod was stolen from the common room, which pretty much put a dampener on the whole leaving school thing as it was never found - despite my posters, begging and intense bugging of the school secretary - who knew me by name at the end of a long week's searching and hoping. See for most normal people they have one iPod taken unfairly from them but me? Apparently I'm not normal. My brother managed to then fix my old iPod touch, which I stupidly took to a party down my road - although it wasn't that stupid considering my music was playing almost all night, a mixture of Glee, Beyonce, Disney and goodness knows what else (Yes, my music taste is something a bit out of the ordinary) Towards the end of the night my iPod gave up it's battery and died on us so it was switched for a different one and put by the side of the iPod speakers - when I went to leave my iPod was no longer there. We searched everywhere and guess what? It wasn't there!! Again someone has stolen my iPod weather in a drunken state of hate or just accidentally, it's been a week  and somehow I don't think it's going to turn up. For most people the drama would end there, but not for me - after all this I decided to replace my first iPod, an iPod classic, and ordered a 120GB iPod Classic (black) from Amazon... I was over the moon when my iPod arrived, it seemed to be perfect and beautiful and it already has at least 500 good songs loaded onto it. Later that evening I went to scroll through the songs I had then uploaded and guess what? The wheel broke. It came apart. So I e-mailed the guy I brought it from, he said he would repair it - for a further £20. I said no and he finally relented saying that because I had put music on it he wouldn't refund me and instead I was allowed a replacement if I sent him the iPod immediately. In return he would send me a new one the day he received the broken one, so I sent it off and e-mailed the next day checking if he got it. He had, but he wasn't sending me a new one - not until they had inspected the returned item. I am so annoyed I cannot explain it without using incredibly rude and very very bad English.

Also - it's only one month and 5 days until my 18th birthday. FINALLY. My mum asked me about what I wanted to do for it earlier with my friends, unfortunately my response was "what friends?" as I genuinely feel I could count my friends on an alien's hand right now. For the past few months I seem to have lost a large amount of friends and now my dream 18th, which I have secretly been planning for months is a no-go. I had wanted to either rent a hall, or have a big gazebo in my back garden either of which would be draped in material like the photo to the right. I would also prefer the material to have a little bit of sparkle to it - because you know - glitter is kind of my favorite thing.Then I would have a theme, which I kept toying with all the different ideas, one of which was "When I Grow Up" so everyone would have to dress up as what they wanted to be when they were little. I also very much enjoyed the idea of "Fairy tales" or "Princes and Princess" as everyone who knows me knows how I believe in all the romance of fairy-tales and this will probably be my last chance to really have such a childish theme due to the fact it's my 18th and technically it's time to grow up. (Being the control freak I am, I also really really wanted to give everyone ideas for what to come as so that I didn't have an abundance of Snow Whites or heaven forbid Tinkerbells!

Ever since seeing Disney's "Tangled" I really wanted to steal the floating lanterns idea, as I think it's a beautiful and honestly amazing idea. My mum already said no to it though, apparently it's not very good for the environment, which is very true but at the same time I  really wanted to have an amazing 18th, which not only I will remember but so would everyone else. Alas due to idiocy and carelessness I'm too afraid to do anything, for fear no-one would turn up or that those who did would come spitefully just to get drunk or to ruin it and not actually to help me celebrate my birthday, which has always been really important to me. See my predicament blog readers? 

I doubt any of the friend's I've lost will read this, I almost hope they don't. But I will say this just in case, I'm sorry for pushing you away, for taking out my frustration over exams on you and for being a terrible friend. For those very few who dislike me for no other reason than someone else told you to then I'm sorry you didn't get to judge me for yourselves, I don't wake up in the morning with a list of people to hurt over the course of the day. No-one is perfect and I am certainly not! One day I hope you can judge me for me, and get past the whole forced dislike. For those who I hurt I really am sorry and if there was a way to change it I would but I have tried on several accounts and no good has come of it. I hope everyone has a lovely summer, and enjoys Uni or Year 13 or whatever it is you're going to be doing come September! 

I solemnly promise to my blogreaders that I shall try a lot harder to keep blogging - promise! 
Happy Saturday 