Thursday, 9 February 2012

Welcome to Breaking Point.

Exams. Drama Practical. Driving Test. 
Coursework. Art Deadlines. The list goes on and on...

Afternoon blog viewers, all the way through our school life we are told "it will be better next year" but I have come to realise this doesn't happen, I was one of those naive children told that A-Levels would be great fun as you are only doing your 3 favourite subjects... No-one told me I would end up in my current frame of mind. 

So I take Drama, Art and English Language and I feel like I'm sinking (quickly) We have been working on our Drama Practical since just before Christmas and we have 5-ish weeks left... a week on Tuesday we are supposed to show a polished 10 minute extract. We have nothing. It isn't that we have been sat around in lessons doing nothing, it's just that every idea we have we change and every time we see a new play or Youtube clip we change our minds as to what style to do. Drama is my favourite subject but right now it feels like the hardest task available, for one my Drama Teacher told me not to be the principle character "Jim" as I'm not very good at playing men and so I am one of the 3 who are multirolling. All my multirolling characters are men. See my dilemma? 

It also doesn't help us that I only finished the novel "Lucky Jim" which we are doing a creative adaptation of on Tuesday, considering the others in my group are barely half-way through this made me feel slightly better until I realised that my Drama Teachers think it was only me that hadn't read the book, they have no idea that I'm the only one who has finished it. 

I don't mean to complain, but I know that's what I'm doing. I fully believe that when we pull it together this will be an amazing piece however if I don't vent my stress and worries and anger somewhere then it will all build up and that is never good for anybody. 

I know it's not just me who feels stressed and scared about the future but sometimes you just need to stand up and speak out but more often than not it's one of the hardest things in life to turn around to your friends or your parents or a teacher and say "Listen up, I feel like I can't do this" Which is exactly why I use my blog, it enables me to express how I feel without the conflicts and the guilt. 

So I leave on a word of advice to younger students; Think really carefully about the subjects you take and really do listen to teachers when they ask you to read a book or watch a programme or research something because it will always help. Trust me! 
